
How to choose a cafe design

How to choose a cafe design

Video: Planning a New Cafe - Cafe Design & Workflow Advice 2024, July

Video: Planning a New Cafe - Cafe Design & Workflow Advice 2024, July

The interior of a food service establishment is directly related to its profitability indicators. It has long been noticed that the design techniques used in the interior can affect the feelings of visitors and, accordingly, the length of stay of customers and the size of the average check.


Instruction manual


Before embarking on a design development, solve the issue with the price category of the institution. This factor plays a big role in the choice of furniture. For a low-cost summer outdoor cafe with high bandwidth, plastic tables and chairs will be very appropriate. For institutions of the middle price segment, it is recommended to select furniture with a rigid frame made of metal or wood, which for convenience will be covered with fabric. At catering establishments with an average check of several thousand rubles and low throughput rates, soft sofas and armchairs perfectly fit for a maximum rest time. Here you should be guided by the rule: the stiffer the furniture, the faster the client leaves the establishment. And the sooner he leaves, the less money he will leave in his walls. Therefore, the skipping ability at a cafe that uses solid chairs should be higher.


Consider an indicative menu; depending on this, it makes sense to design an interior in any particular style. For example, if it was decided to serve Russian cuisine within the walls of the establishment, it is better to design a room for guests in the Slavic manner, if there is roll and sushi in the list, then Japanese motifs will add sophistication to the interior.


Bet on the target audience - if the interior of the cafe will satisfy its needs and ideas, then such an atmosphere will be conducive to repeated visits. Inside the cafe for young people it is better to use objects of modern art, elements of club culture, fashion trends of design.


Prepare a visual design project based on the size of the room. This is best done in a special graphics program. At this stage, it is better to seek the help of designers who will implement a mini version of your idea on your computer.
