
How to organize a garage cooperative

How to organize a garage cooperative

Video: Multipurpose Garage Storage Station 2024, July

Video: Multipurpose Garage Storage Station 2024, July

Currently, the question of storing a car in a big city is quite acute. Using this, you can open a small business in the form of a garage-building society. The GSK organization has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account at the very beginning of the activity.


You will need

  • - Documents for the organization of a cooperative and construction;

  • - initiative group;

  • - payment account.

Instruction manual


Create an initiative group. Car owners should be interested in participating in the organized construction of a garage complex. Be sure to draw up a documentary decision of the initiative group regarding the creation of the GCW.


Engage in the development of a charter for a garage building society together with your initiative group. In the charter, highlight in detail the issues that relate to the formation of GSK property and financial sources. You will have the opportunity to secure entrance, membership, share, earmarked and other contributions. If you experience difficulty in compiling the charter, you should contact a qualified lawyer.


Register the cooperative at the place of registration as soon as you complete the registration of constituent documents. Put it in the prescribed manner to register with the tax office. Open a bank account at the bank, as well as personal accounts for the purpose of making share contributions by members of the cooperative.


Draw up an act of land lease agreement. Gather the necessary documents for this and submit them to the municipal authority in charge of land use and urban planning. The list of documents in different regions may vary.


Register your lease with the Federal Registration Service. Wait for the verification of all documents by the relevant authorities, get a cadastral passport. After that, you will be given a land plot for the construction of a garage complex.


Conclude a contract for design and construction services with a construction organization. As soon as all construction work is completed, sign a contract for the operation of the building between the operating organization and the cooperative.


Make ownership of garages for a cooperative. To do this, create the relevant documents and submit them to the Federal Registration Service, where you will be given a special certificate.
