Business management

How to increase the sale of children's clothing

How to increase the sale of children's clothing

The number of children's clothing stores over the past few years has increased dramatically - primarily due to the emergence of network businesses. To increase sales in your store, you need to think about new ways to attract customers: range adjustment, searching for other methods of store promotion, creating a game room in the store.


Instruction manual


Visit other children's clothing stores in your area to see how your competitors are doing. Compare the range, advertising, level of service. Highlight the “leaders” for yourself and think about what attracts such a large number of customers. Try to apply their methods in your business.


Work on the assortment of your store. Sales of children's clothing are often small due to the wrong assortment. Often stores buy clothes from suppliers unsystematically - and expensive, and cheap, and for infants, and for schoolchildren. It seems that this way you can attract more customers and, accordingly, sell more. In fact, everything is different: your store does not have a circle of regular customers (for example, wealthy parents of preschool children), customers come to you by chance and never return. Thus, sales are not growing. Decide what exactly is most profitable to sell in the area where your store is located, and focus on just that.


Think about how customers find out about your store. Does he have a website with a catalog of products, do you advertise on the Internet, or is there a sign on all that is? If there is no clear advertising campaign, then think about creating it. This can be either entrusted to an advertising specialist (freelancer or company), or done independently, using the experience of competitors. The easiest and cheapest way to promote your store and, thus, increase sales is to advertise it through the "parent" forums and communities. Distribution of leaflets at the metro and child care facilities can also be effective.


Try to play at the vagaries of children. Despite the fact that almost always the decisive word regarding the purchase of one or another thing remains with the parents, and not with the child, children can in some cases raise your sales. Allocate a room for your games room in your store and enter toys into the assortment. Thus, the children will be passionate about the game and give parents a leisurely choice of clothes, and then they will also be asked to buy a toy that they just held in their hands.


Do not forget about various promotions, discounts, distribution of accumulative cards. This can “tie” customers to your store for a long time, especially if there is not one children's clothing store in your area and if you don’t indulge in such things in others.
