Business management

How to increase restaurant revenue

How to increase restaurant revenue

Video: 6 EASY Ways to Increase Restaurant Sales on Slow Days | How to Run A Restaurant Successfully 2020 2024, July

Video: 6 EASY Ways to Increase Restaurant Sales on Slow Days | How to Run A Restaurant Successfully 2020 2024, July

Fierce competition in the restaurant business makes owners think about ways to increase the income of their restaurant. All efforts should be aimed at making the client want to come to you as often as possible, since they directly affect the profitability of the institution.


Instruction manual


First of all, it is necessary to competently build a restaurant's operating mode. Decide what time you should open the doors, taking into account the location of your institution and the frequency of visits to target customers during the day. To attract guests, you must also take into account the nuances of service, depending on the time of day. For example, business meetings are typical for noon. During this period, business style should prevail in the service, and business lunches should be present on the menu. After 18 hours, the atmosphere of the institution should radically differ from the daytime. People come to the restaurant to relax, and therefore, they expect service in a more democratic way.


Design an entertainment program. We come to the restaurant not only to eat, but also to spend time in a pleasant relaxing atmosphere. For example, live music gives the institution respectability. It is advisable to limit yourself to a specific musical style in order to form a circle of regular visitors - lovers of just such music. However, it should have a background character, unobtrusive and not too loud.


Pay special attention to the well-coordinated work of the staff, in particular the waiters, who in many respects influence the formation of the customer's impression of the restaurant. It is necessary to conduct their regular training through trainings. It should include informing on the menu (names and ingredients of dishes, the method of their preparation, compatibility with other dishes), instruction on maintenance (how to serve dishes, how to change ashtrays correctly, open champagne, etc.) and communication with restaurant visitors, in including with "difficult" guests. It is advisable to develop special booklets with the rules of internal routine and personal hygiene, standards of service and behavior of the waiter, include a menu with a detailed description of dishes, reference material on the wine list. It is also necessary to conduct training for restaurant managers.


In modern conditions it is important to keep up with technological development. Therefore, you should seriously think about process automation: installing special terminals for maintaining a unified database of orders, product purchases, bonus customer cards, etc. This will require additional investments in the development of the restaurant, but will improve the speed and quality of service, debug internal accounting, which ultimately will positively affect profits.
