
How to pack the goods

How to pack the goods

Video: How to Pack Items in a Shipping Box 2024, July

Video: How to Pack Items in a Shipping Box 2024, July

A novice businessman, as a rule, is faced not only with the problem of production or purchase of goods, but also with their packaging. After all, this is the face of a trademark, and it depends on it to some extent whether this product will be successful with customers. How to choose a package?


Instruction manual


Do not think that beautiful packaging is necessarily very expensive. You can start with the simplest but worthy package with a bright seal, packed with adhesive tape. In the future, the cost of packaging can reach half the cost of the product itself, however this is not the case where you need to save. If the package is intended only for transportation, you can not spend money on its design, it will be enough logo, company name and type of goods (do not forget to place information about the conditions of transportation).


Design a logo. It should be clear, catchy, striking. You can do it yourself, but it’s better not to be stingy and turn to professional designers, because it is the logo that is the face of this brand, it will recognize your product and distinguish it from other similar products.


Packaging can serve as an advertisement. Goods designed for children should attract a bright wrapper; If you assume that the majority of buyers are elderly people, use discreet color and inexpensive material. For middle-aged buyers, a design that emphasizes the quality and functionality of the product is suitable. You can also use gift bags suitable for various holidays, such as Christmas or March 8th.


On the packaging, it is necessary to place a barcode and information about the product: mass, composition (if it is a food product), date of manufacture, expiration date.


Choose the appropriate type of packaging. It is necessary to distinguish between consumer packaging, that is, one that directly appears on the counter and attracts the customer with its appearance, and transport, from which strength is mainly required. She must not allow damage to the goods. The material will depend on the type of product, method and range of transportation.
