
How to become an author

How to become an author

Video: Jeff Kinney's Advice - How to Become an Author! 2024, July

Video: Jeff Kinney's Advice - How to Become an Author! 2024, July

Kakprosto.ru - the largest Russian website of tips for every day. Over the two years of its existence, more than 130, 000 articles from more than 4, 000 authors have been published here. Until now, articles were created only by a limited number of authors. But recently, this opportunity has appeared for any user who is willing to share his unique life and / or professional experience. And most importantly - the author will be able to make good money on his knowledge! A key success factor is popularity. The more views your board has, the more money you get. And we will help your friends to make your article popular on social networks. Share your tips with your friends on Vkontakte, My World, Classmates and Facebook and become the most popular author!


You will need

The main elements of the author’s success are How Simple: 1. Life or professional experience. Do not write about things that you do not understand. 2. The ability to clearly and clearly state your thoughts. Article-advice is the main format of your communication with readers. 3. Willingness to respond to comments on your advice. The more questions / answers to your article, the more useful the tip and more views of the article. 4. A certain amount of patience. The more you write, the more people will read your advice. And the more money you earn.

Instruction manual


Go to the Become an Author page. In addition to a short description of all the features that you will have as an author of KakSimple, you will find here links to our groups on social networks, a link to the main questions page (FAQ), and a link to the registration form. If you have ever previously registered with KakSimple, then the author’s functionality will appear in your Profile after you log in to the site.



Register on the KakProsto website through your account on one of the social networks or using the registration system on the site. You will receive a notification in your mail with a link to the activation of your Profile. Important notes: 1. If you register using the social network Vkontakte, do not forget, then indicate your email address. 2. When registering through an account on social networks, you will see a window asking you to authorize the KakSimple application. Authorization is completely safe, so feel free to click the "authorize" or "allow" button. 3. Write a little about yourself and your experience on the Profile Settings page. This will allow your readers to trust your advice more. 4. If you registered for the first time, for example, through Vkontakte, then use this registration method in the future. If you register after some time, for example, through Odnoklassniki, then this will be a completely new profile without the articles you have already written and the accumulated statistics of views and payments. However, in the near future, the site will have the opportunity to link your account on KakProsto to several social network accounts. And then you can access the site using any social network.



After registration, you will get access to your Profile and Personal Account. In order for articles to appear on your profile and you start making money, you need to start writing tips and sharing them with readers. To do this, click on the link "Write an article." This is your most important step as a new author. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for writing articles on a separate page of the "Instructions". But the general advice is simple - write useful tips, be original and competent. Copying other people's tips is highly discouraged and may lead to the suspension of your account.



The article you created is sent for review to our editors. Follow the basic guidelines for writing tips and your article will be approved quickly and without the need for processing. Upon approval / rejection, a notification email will be sent to you. If, in your opinion, your article was rejected unfairly, you can write a question in the form of feedback. Be sure to include a link to your profile in the message so that the editors of the site can quickly find your article and indicate the reason for the rejection.



After your article is approved and appears on the site, you can in the current mode observe the growing number of views of your tips. When the accumulated amount reaches 200 rubles, you can receive it in your bank account. In order for us to be able to do this, you will need to fill in your payment details on the page "Payment Details". For the third year now we have been working on such a payment system and with all responsibility we approach the issues of storing personal information.



Do not forget to share your tips with your friends on social networks and blogs! In addition, we recommend that you search the Internet (using Yandex or Google) for forums and blogs that discuss similar topics, and leave a link to your advice in them. This will allow you to increase views of your articles and, accordingly, earn faster and more.



The author of the council receives 50 rubles (with personal income tax) for each thousand views of his article. View statistics is updated every day and is available in your account. Is it a lot or a little and is it possible, as the author of KakSimple, to make any substantial money? Let's count. The 50 most popular articles on the KakProsto website receive from 400 to 2000 views per day. This is from 600 to 3000 rubles per month, which the author of such articles could receive ONLY FROM ONE TIP! And if you have 10, 50, 100? Of course, it is difficult to become a popular author right away, but experience and patience will allow you to earn really good money. In addition, the site’s development plans include rating authors. And the most popular authors, who are most trusted, will receive 50-100% more per thousand views than at the beginning of the work.

Useful advice

1. Do not forget to illustrate your articles with photographs. The more visual information you provide to your readers, the more visual your advice will be. You can use both your own photos and photos taken from the Internet. To illustrate with third-party images, we recommend that you visit www.pinme.ru, which hosts almost 11 million photos. 2. If you want to illustrate your advice with a video from YouTube, you can easily do this by copying the link to the video in the special line “Video materials” in the form for creating an article. 3. Do not forget about your tips and regularly update and supplement them! Each author has the opportunity to edit their tips, adding to them their new experience.
