
How to create a bookstore

How to create a bookstore

Video: How to build a bookstore / have no idea 2024, July

Video: How to build a bookstore / have no idea 2024, July

From time to time, the voices of skeptics are heard that almost no one reads books, paper editions have almost become obsolete. But such statements are not true, and the bookselling business is still attractive and profitable.


Instruction manual


The first step in organizing a bookstore is to register as an entrepreneur. The choice of the form of doing business depends on the trading format you choose. What are you going to organize: a chain of stores, one or a bookstore? For a bookstore and a network, the most appropriate form is a limited liability company.


After registration, select a room for the store. It may be small, but it is good if it is located in a passageway. Pay particular attention to ensure that there is no dampness in it that could render books unusable. Also, when choosing a room, keep in mind that a store not exceeding 150 m2 assumes an attractive type of taxation for many entrepreneurs in the form of UTII (single imputed income tax).


Get permission from the SES and the fire inspection to open a store in the found room.


If necessary, make repairs and purchase special equipment for your store. It is recommended to make the interior “warm” so that customers feel comfortable and cozy in the store. Take care of the lighting; good if it is soft. The walls of the store can be covered with colorful posters about travel, concerts, exhibitions and advertising images of covers of popular books.


For the bookstore, special equipment is needed - these are racks, rotating shelves and tables. Place a counter parallel to one of the walls. It should not interfere with the entrance and exit of the store. Book racks are located along the walls. For convenience, they should not exceed two meters in height. Do not forget to break them into sections with a width of about 1.2–1.5 m. Above each section, place a poster indicating the subjects of books located on this shelf.


The main stage of organizing a bookstore is the acquisition of goods. Decide on the subject of books and try to conclude direct agreements with publishers that publish such books. As a rule, publishers agree to a deferred payment and do not require prepayment. For good profitability, about 10 thousand books are needed for one medium-sized store. Do not forget about the very popular audiobooks now.


Find qualified staff. Books are intellectual goods. For a store to work well, an individual approach to each customer is very important. Sales consultants should be aware of all literary events and the publication of various book novelties.


A bookstore pays off on average a year after opening. It depends on the location, patency and size of the store.

Useful advice

The markup for books is 50-60% of the publishing cost.

How to open a bookstore
