
How to create an effective advertising design

How to create an effective advertising design

Video: 23 Advertising Techniques Used to Create Powerful and Persuasive Ads 2024, July

Video: 23 Advertising Techniques Used to Create Powerful and Persuasive Ads 2024, July

Each designer and advertiser, creating this or that advertisement, dreams1 that this particular layout, video or billboard will attract the attention of the mass buyer and will be remembered for the original idea. The secret to effective advertising is simple - you just need to think logically.


Instruction manual


Effective advertising design is, first of all, a large share of common sense, logical thinking and a creative approach to the task. Thinking of creating an effective advertising design, you have to work hard.

Decide on the format and type of future advertising. It is no secret that advertising is the most diverse means, each of which has its own nuances and secrets. What will it be - a video on the network, an audio message on the subway, a billboard on the highway or a booklet?


Calculate the cost of manufacturing advertising, select the contractor. This stage is sometimes important to do before the appearance or properties of the advertising product are determined. Why? For example, in print advertising, each printing house has its own printing capabilities. If you know in advance what are the possibilities of the selected printing house, what sizes of leaflets and booklets are typical for printing, you can create an advertising brochure of a given format, because its printing will cost less than something unusual. The same rule applies in many other areas of advertising.


Think about the challenge facing the ad product. Will it be a shield or sound clip? Each type of advertising has its own characteristics, as already mentioned. For example, motorists make billboards in just a couple of seconds. In order for the advertisement to be effective on it, the layout should have a minimum of information and text: phone (or address, but very briefly - street, house), company name, clear image of the product and price if the offer is not fashionable. The sound clip should be intelligible, capacious and consist of short sentences that are audible and easily perceived.


Add the required information. Any advertising product must contain information about whose services / products are being promoted. Therefore, the name of the company (or logo) and a convenient way of feedback — phone, website, e-mail or address — should be recorded on any layout, billboard and in any video. In the absence of contacts, the message will not be communicated to the public, and its purpose is leveled out by poor execution.


After determining all the parameters of the future advertising product, the business remains small - fantasize. Think associatively, boldly and newly. Consider what your customers need, because otherwise you are the same client who thinks, feels and desires.
