
How to create a children's center

How to create a children's center

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Video: How a child's brain develops through early experiences 2024, July

A children's center means an institution that is organized to provide services in the system of preschool education, the development of any specific abilities in children. In the latter case, it is understood that such organizations may be with some kind of “bias, ” for example, with the development of creative abilities.


Instruction manual


Come up with the name of the children's center. It should be small and well remembered. Also, the name of the center for children's leisure should reflect this area of ​​activity.


Think about what organizational and legal form your future children's center (IP, LLC) should have.


Make a business plan for the development of the children's center. To do this, analyze in detail your future activities of the company for the coming year, and then for 5 years. Evaluate the condition of the center: what risks may arise at the stage of development of the company, how they can be prevented.


Calculate how much money you will need to open a children's center. Include the following start-up costs in the calculation: the amount for the rental of the premises, funds for the purchase of necessary children's furniture, educational toys, equipment for beds.


Find a suitable room. You can rent an area in the building of another educational institution, for example, in the building of a private school or gymnasium. Pay attention to the availability of parking, convenient access and location.


Put a small advertising sign in front of the institution, which will contain the following information: name of the children's center, phone number and opening hours, as well as detailed data on the services provided (for example: “Let's prepare your child for school. Teach him to read, read and write”.


Hire qualified employees (teacher, assistant teacher, children's cook, speech therapist, nurse, psychologist, administrator). Depending on the number of recruited groups of children, this list of personnel can be adjusted.


Decide which development methods, training programs and games you will use in the new center. Decide how the classes should go together with the teachers. If necessary, you can conduct their appropriate training.


Get permission to conduct this business. To do this, prepare a mandatory set of documents (a business plan for a children's center, constituent documents of a company, documents for renting a room, a certificate on the suitability of a given room for classes with children) and submit them to government bodies to obtain a license for the right to carry out teaching activities.
