
How to draw up an organization charter

How to draw up an organization charter

Video: How to Make an Organizational Chart in Excel - Tutorial 2024, July

Video: How to Make an Organizational Chart in Excel - Tutorial 2024, July

The charter is the main and only constituent document of an organization with the legal form of a limited liability company. When drawing up the charter, it is necessary to take into account the number of founders, as well as monitor changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.


You will need

  • - documents of the founders of the company;

  • - current legislation of the Russian Federation;

  • - a pen.

Instruction manual


Indicate the full, abbreviated name of the enterprise, as well as, if necessary, in a foreign language and the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation.


Enter the address of the location of the limited liability company. If the company has one founder, then it is allowed to indicate the address of the place of residence of the sole executive body - the general director of the company. If the organization has several founders, then write the address of the location of the company.


Write the name of the person managing the organization. Usually it is the director of the organization, which should be called the sole executive body. Indicate the term of office of the head of the Company. If the company has one founder, it is advisable to write 5 years or indefinitely, when two or more - three, five years or indefinitely.


Write down the rights and obligations of the founder (founders) of the Company. Set the procedure for the distribution of profits from the activities of the enterprise. Write the procedure for storing organization documents


Enter the goals and activities of the limited liability company. It is recommended to write that the activities of your organization are not limited to those types that are prescribed in the Charter. Your company can engage in any type of activity that is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Determine the size of the share capital. Establish the procedure for its payment to the founders of the Company, as well as enter the types of funds from which it can be replenished (cash, property and more).


Provide free access to a member of the Society or prohibit one. Write down the procedure and terms for payment of the share to the retiring founder, as well as its price (value of net assets, nominal value, etc.). It is recommended to establish a pre-emptive right, the essence of which is that in case of sale of a share of one of the participants, the priority right is granted to the other founder. Also enter the possibility of inheriting the share of the retiring participant or prohibit it.

How to prepare an LLC charter in 2019
