
How to make a car park

How to make a car park

Video: Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Multi Storey Car Park "2019 City Tutorial" 2024, July

Video: Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Multi Storey Car Park "2019 City Tutorial" 2024, July

The problem of placing a personal car is relevant for hundreds and even thousands of residents of megacities, which is why conveniently located parking is always in demand and brings good income. Equipping a site for cars is not difficult, the main problem is to acquire or obtain, under favorable conditions, a plot of land in a convenient location.


You will need

  • - a plot of land from 100 square meters with convenient access roads;

  • - permission of the local administration and a number of inspection organizations;

  • -room for the security guard;

  • -video surveillance system;

  • - several shift guards working on an ongoing basis.

Instruction manual


Agree with the city administration on a long-term lease of land - the choice of land depends not so much on your desire as on the conditions that local authorities are ready to provide you. It is necessary to take land for rent for a long time, because if the landlord's plans change soon, you risk losing the institution that is already profitable and starting the business again from scratch. The best places to equip parking should be sought close to sleeping areas and large residential areas.


Coordinate the design of the parking lot with the department of architecture and urban planning in the local administration, get permission from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. Often, for the organization of a large parking lot, it is also necessary that the Committee for Environmental Protection or another environmental organization give its “good”.


Protect the territory of the future parking lot with a reliable "dead" fence (especially true for suburban parking or parking located on the outskirts of cities, in poorly populated places). Put asphalt around the entire perimeter of the parking lot, then cover the surface of the earth with reagents that prevent the harmful effects of petroleum products on the environment (this is a mandatory requirement of the regulatory authorities). Make a markup, divide the entire area into separate parking spaces and driveways between their rows.


Organize a parking guard system, for this, equip a small room for a security guard, install video surveillance. A good way to get rid of any unwanted visitors is to keep a register of cars in which you should enter the license plate numbers of all vehicles and not allow cars that are not included in a single list of customers into the parking area.

What you need to open a guarded parking lot
