Business management

How to reduce costs and enhance the economic effect of advertising at the initial stage of business

How to reduce costs and enhance the economic effect of advertising at the initial stage of business

Video: How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio 2024, July

Video: How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio 2024, July

All business people according to the degree of attitude to advertising can be divided into two categories. Most consider advertising to be a necessary, but not very important attribute of a business and are "difficult to communicate" with advertisers.


The second category of businessmen, considers advertising as investments that bring a certain economic effect. They prefer those advertising specialists who know how to make advertising profitable. Mostly companies that specialize in advertising auditing, system building branding communications.

In order to save money, especially at the initial stage, some business people do this on their own, guided by a few simple rules.

It is important to use the principle of a systematic approach to communications in work, that is, that everything in external communications be one, work the same and in the same style. Advertising must be consistent with information about the company in the press or other sources.

It will be important to draw up a simple calculation of the effectiveness of advertising. Initially, it is necessary to determine the product, market and purpose of advertising (in economic terms); Having determined the channels for promoting advertising, you can draw up an advertising budget; monthly analyze the effectiveness of various types of advertising, changing the ratio in favor of more effective ones. After all, advertising that is profitable at the moment in a month will no longer be relevant. You must be very flexible in this matter and use the effect of novelty.

Know the basic concepts, key components and basic functions of a brand. It is quite possible to independently think about the important components of the brand, and to release the released financial resources for business development. The most important thing is to determine the name of your product, design, tactile component: material and its packaging, company symbolism. Try to create a holistic image from the very beginning.

The next step is to find a specialist, usually a psychologist, who is able to create a legend that people will follow.

So with the minimum expenditure of monetary resources, but with your maximum return at the initial stage of the business, you can create a large company.
