
How to create a sales team

How to create a sales team

Video: How to Build a Great Sales team 2024, July

Video: How to Build a Great Sales team 2024, July

A commercial enterprise that has chosen trade as its specialization will not do without a sales department. Moreover, the stages of formation and formation of this department are directly related to business development. That is why you will need to form a sales department after some customer base has been developed.


Instruction manual


As a rule, when a company has just been created, the CEO and owner of the business are personally involved in attracting customers and sales. Given the successful development of affairs, it is important not to miss the moment when it is necessary to form a sales department simply because you, as a general director, simply do not have enough time to work with old customers, not to mention attracting new ones.


Depending on the size of the business, the minimum recommended size of the sales department is 5 people, of which one, and preferably two, are managers. These people should not only support the initially developed customer base, but also engage in attracting new customers. This work should also be carried out with the help of "cold" phone calls, when communication is with a person who has never contacted your company.


Under favorable conditions, employees of this department begin to bring new customers to the company every month, serve old ones, and conclude service agreements. Now your task is not to miss the moment when attracting new customers, associated with additional efforts, will become a burden for the sales staff. The client base accumulated by this time will become quite enough for them. At this point, you may encounter a kind of sabotage, and despite the still high profits, your business will expect stagnation.


Do not miss this important moment and create a client department, to whom you will transfer functions for servicing the existing client base. Review the functions of sales staff, increase salaries, motivate them and set new tasks for them. Stimulate their efforts to find new customers and markets. Perhaps it will make sense to slightly reduce the size of this department and transfer some of the employees to the client department. From this moment you can consider that the formation of the sales department in your company is completed.
