
How to make a static IP

How to make a static IP

Video: How to Assign a Static IP Address in Windows 10 2024, July

Video: How to Assign a Static IP Address in Windows 10 2024, July

For various reasons, an Internet user may need to change their dynamic IP address to a static one. Most users now have dynamic IP addresses. They are assigned automatically by the provider when the user enters the Internet. The static IP address does not change from session to session.


Instruction manual


First, we will determine situations when a static IP address is needed. Firstly, without a static IP it's impossible to make your own Internet server. Secondly, many gamers on a game server need a static IP address so that the system remembers them and also saves their game parameters. Thirdly, static IP addresses may be needed when working with some financial instruments. These are exchange trading platforms, as well as some bank online payment terminals, which, due to security policies, are tied to one IP address.


The easiest and most reliable way to get a static IP address is to contact your Internet service provider. For a small fee (usually around $ 5-10 a month), he will add this service to you. If you want to install a server with your own hosting at home, then only this method of obtaining a static IP address is acceptable. It is also best to use this particular method in the case of electronic financial transactions.


There is another way to get a static IP address. It is free and most relevant for "timers". The bottom line is to assign a permanent domain name to a computer that has a dynamic IP address. For these purposes, the program presented on the No-ip.com website is now best suited. To receive it, you must first register on this resource, and then download the program. The program settings are very simple. Next, you need to make sure that the program runs on the computer along with the operating system. After accessing the Internet, thanks to this program, on game servers and other resources you will be initialized by a specific domain name. However, your IP address will still remain dynamic.

Setting a static IP address on the Asus router and TP-Link
