
How to register an LLC yourself

How to register an LLC yourself

Video: How to Start an LLC - In three simple steps 2024, July

Video: How to Start an LLC - In three simple steps 2024, July

Registering your own legal entity yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, you just need to figure it out.


It would seem easier to entrust the registration of LLC to a law firm, but it is better to study everything and collect documents yourself. In this case, you will not just give the money and receive incomprehensible pieces of paper, but you will understand what each document is and why it is needed. So, where to start.

1. If you are taking the first steps in the business, decide whether you need an LLC, or for starters it’s easier to open an IP, especially if you are the sole founder.

2. On the Internet you can find services that form a package of documents for registration of a legal entity. For example, Internet accounting "My business."

3. Before registration, you need to choose a tax system: general, simplified (6% and 10%) or UTII. Please note that there is a limited list of activities for which UTII can be applied.

4. Decide on the codes for OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities). Select several codes at once (no more than 20 are recommended), taking into account the fact that in the future your company may engage in other types of activities. First indicate the code of the main type of activity.

5. Location of the company (what used to be called a legal address). You can register a company at the place of residence of the CEO. If you rent an office, it is better to register at the address of the non-residential premises.

6. The choice of brand name. The company may have both full and abbreviated name, as well as the name in a foreign language. But the main name must be written in Cyrillic. Having come up with a name, you need to check on the website of the Federal Tax Service if any companies with the same are already registered. The use of derivatives of the words "Russia" and "Moscow" in the name (for example, "Russian", "Moscow") is subject to an additional fee.

7. Share capital. The minimum amount of the authorized capital is 10, 000 rubles, and can be paid in both money and property (computer, table, chair).

8. As a result, you should have on hand the following set of documents:

- An application according to form P11001, it is signed by a notary.

- The charter of the organization and a notarized copy. Model charters are offered on the Internet, if your type of activity has features, it is best to consult a lawyer on this issue.

- Receipt of payment of state duty (4, 000 rubles).

- The decision to create an LLC (if there is one founder) or the Protocol on the creation of a legal entity (if 2 or more founders).

- The lease agreement and its copy.

- A statement on the application of the simplified tax system (simplified tax system) indicating the tax base: income or income minus expenses. In the event that you are not going to apply the general taxation system.

- Agreement on the establishment of the Company (if more than one founder).

- Application for registration, form 11001. The signature is notarized.

You can clarify the list of documents for your city on the website of the Federal Tax Service or by phone.

9. Documents must be carefully checked and taken to the Tax Inspectorate at ul. Red Textile Worker, 10-12 (for St. Petersburg). Please note that in case of errors, the state duty is not refunded. The applicant must personally submit the documents (the one whose signature is on the form 11001) or the person for whom the notarized power of attorney is to be drawn up. Document processing time - 5 working days. If you are not in a hurry, you can send documents by Russian post, but they will take about 2-3 weeks.

10. In the tax office you will be given: a certificate of state registration, a registered Charter of the LLC, a certificate of tax registration, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a notification on the assignment of statistics codes, a certificate of registration with the FSS (federal insurance service) and the Pension Fund (pension fund).

These are the basic steps to register in general terms. The list of documents may vary by region, and laws and application forms often change. After that, you will still need to register with the FSS and PFR, open a bank account, notify all authorities of the opening of an account, constantly submit reports, even if you have no profit yet.

And, of course, do business.
