Business Communication and Ethics

How to advertise services

How to advertise services

Video: Strategy For Marketing A Service Based Business 2024, July

Video: Strategy For Marketing A Service Based Business 2024, July

The main objective of the advertiser in the service sector is to win a credit of trust of the real and potential buyer and encourage him to purchase the advertised service. Only competent advertising decisions on attracting attention, stimulating interest in a service, an objective assessment of its quality, benefits, guarantees for consumers will lead to this goal.


Instruction manual


Starting advertising services, clearly define for yourself how it differs from the product. There are four basic differences:

1. Services are not tangible. These are mostly actions and processes.

2. Services are very personalized. The consumer makes their unique demands on them (remember the atelier or hairdresser). The implementation of the service depends on many uncontrollable factors: a vaguely worded request from the client himself, qualifications of the performers, and others.

3. In the provision of services, the production phase coincides with the consumption phase, and the buyer can take part in it directly. The uniqueness of each situation makes it impossible to fully unify many service procedures.

4. The service is fleeting. It cannot be stored and stored.


Getting to the compilation of the "core" of the advertising text, focus on the quality of the service. The indecision of a potential buyer when choosing it can have many reasons: from the inability to see the future result to their own incompetence. As a result, he simply compares promises in some advertisements with offers in others and searches for “where deeper”.


Take into account the expectations of the client, his stereotypes regarding your service - both negative (fears) and positive (solution to the problem). The buyer expects from the transaction, above all, a high-quality result, compliance with deadlines, reasonable prices. He may be worried about many questions. Are the equipment, tools, technologies, techniques of the contractor reliable? Is the staff professional? What if the proper result from the service does not follow? The advertiser's task is to remove the doubts of the buyer, emphasize the competitive advantages of the company, and give realistically fulfilled promises.


Use the evidence and examples of the high quality of your service and the solidity of the company when compiling the advertising message. They can become:

• information on the positive results of similar orders;

• the promise of a “thematic” gift for the service (a disk with useful materials - at a seminar, a guidebook to the travel agency);

• a reference to quality standards indirectly embodied in the service (specialists are certified, equipment is from the leaders of world brands);

• information on authoritative awards, victories, successful participation in significant events of the industry, public promotions of the region, popular TV shows, etc.;

• information on company standards for internal quality control;

• information on cooperation options: a possible free “test” of the service (introductory lesson in foreign language courses, wellness session, etc.), on the appointment of a personal consultant, etc.


Having identified all the advantages of your service, feel free to start composing the text of the advertising message. Its content and volume depends on the choice of advertising medium. For print advertising, this will be the usual composition - complete or abbreviated: slogan (advertising slogan, appeal, title), inception, information block (information about the service and argumentative text), reference information (address, contacts, etc.).


Demonstrating your achievements in advertising, remember that everything needs a measure. Avoid superlatives. If your clients, indeed, were very famous and authoritative people, try to say this in a way that does not scare ordinary customers.

Useful advice

The guarantee of the quality of your services can be favorably emphasized by the technique, which is increasingly used in advertising service companies: 100% return of the spent amounts with a negative assessment of the service. For example, such an exemption may be spelled out in advertising: a student of a two-day seminar has the right to return all the money if he is not satisfied with the first hours of the event.

“We sell services”, N.S. Makatrova; "The practice of advertising", I.A. Golman, N.S. Dobrobabenko, 1991
