
How to advertise furniture

How to advertise furniture

You have opened a furniture store, but the level of sales does not suit you. What to do? Correctly organize an advertising campaign for your furniture salon so that customers recognize and love your product.


Instruction manual


Learn competitor advertising strategies. Pay attention to how they build advertising campaigns, which customers they are focused on, how they organize sales. However, do not blindly copy their marketing plots. Consider the specifics of your trading company.


When organizing an advertising campaign, do not forget that furniture is a seasonal product. The peak of sales of this product falls in the fall. And this is quite natural: people made repairs in the summer and now they want to change the situation.


Pay attention to the location of your store. If it is located on the outskirts of the city or outside the city, you will either need to provide convenient furniture delivery to customers, or arrange free travel for potential buyers from the center to your salon. However, if the store is located in the center, you don’t need to forget about the delivery either, as well as that the access roads to it are always free.


Even if your salon is not too big, make sure that there are as many pieces of goods in the showroom as possible, but at the same time access to them is free. Invite or hire an experienced merchandiser. He will help you place furniture in the salon so that all its advantages are in plain sight.


Contact the advertising agency and order billboards, banners, lightboxes and other outdoor advertising. Properly arrange them. It is better to place billboards and banners on the main highways and in the city center, light boxes - not far from the salon and in the nearest markets where there are commission stores. Before that, study the prices in commissions and organize advertising so that the client thinks which is better: purchase used furniture that is out of fashion or buy your goods on credit.


Order ads on radio, TV and the Internet. Pay special attention to visual media, since those who want to buy furniture always want to first see how this furniture looks and how it will look in the interior. Therefore, without delaying the matter, start creating your site.


Order booklets, business cards, and catalogs (regular and CD) from an advertising agency. Distribute them to shops, organizations and enterprises of the city (by agreement with their administration).
