Business management

How to promote a pharmacy

How to promote a pharmacy

Video: Marketing your pharmacy 2024, July

Video: Marketing your pharmacy 2024, July

Pharmacy business today remains attractive to many entrepreneurs. With a well-thought-out business plan, a pharmacy can recoup the costs of opening it and begin to consistently make a profit in the first or second year after the start of sales. Much depends on how competently the health store will be "untwisted".


Instruction manual


Pharmacies today are traditional pharmacies, drugstores, kiosks, and supermarkets. They are distinguished by many features: a range of drugs, the possibility of self-care, a list of regulatory requirements. At the same time, competent marketing decisions are the key to successful work in any format. Let's consider some of them.


The most important factor for the stable operation of a pharmacy is its location. It should provide the desired traffic, that is, customer traffic through your outlet. The proximity of bus stops, major shopping centers, medical facilities, etc. significantly affects the flow of visitors. When starting a pharmacy, pay attention to the season. The best time is from September to April: less drugs are bought in the summer.


The success of sales in a pharmacy depends on the effectiveness of the product policy, which is determined by consumer demand. The constant availability of profitable drugs in the pharmacy (the so-called profit generators) is a guarantee of the financial well-being of the company.

Demand, again, can be shaped by the location of the pharmacy. If there is a children's clinic nearby, specialization may be the sale of medicines prescribed by pediatricians. Profit will also come from childcare products, baby food, diapers - parapharmaceutical products. And if there is a hospital hospital nearby? Obviously, ampoule preparations will be more popular.


The key issue is personnel. It is important not to make a mistake in choosing a pharmacy manager. The requirements must be strict: higher pharmaceutical education (pharmacist), continuing education courses every five years, work experience - at least 3-5 years. The task of pharmacists is to earn the trust of patients: competence, communication culture. Visitors to pharmacies are usually unhealthy people, and they are often characterized by irritability. Here the sellers' patience, tact, benevolence are important. As for professional advice, this is an integral part of the work of pharmacists.


Affects the image of the pharmacy on sales. It consists of the quality of pharmaceutical products, the design of the room, and thoughtful service. Important for the consumer and the schedule of the pharmacy. Is your comfortable?

Use the opportunity to improve service using a regular phone. Be prepared to give a certificate of the availability of drugs, call the customer to order goods from the warehouse, etc. You can indicate the phone number in advertising leaflets, on packages for medicines, on the forms of doctors from nearby clinics with which you have established cooperation. Many pharmacies in their service include free pressure measurement, weighing, etc. "Advanced" pharmacies have their own sites - with all the potential opportunities that the Internet provides.


To popularize your pharmacy, creatively use a variety of advertising methods: traditional information through various channels, promotions, sales of drug stocks at a discount, charity events, discounts for socially vulnerable categories of consumers - pensioners, large families, disabled people, etc.


The ethical code of a pharmacy employee includes the concept of supporting the credibility of the attending physician. Criticism of his choice regarding pharmaceuticals by pharmacy staff should be excluded.

Useful advice

For sales in the pharmacy to be successful, it is advisable to keep a record of regular customers and provide them with informational assistance. It is important to know such buyers in person, call them by their first name and patronymic, and even inquire about their well-being after taking the drug you have purchased. This is how a circle of adherents of your company is created in a competitive environment.
