
How to produce farm products for sale

How to produce farm products for sale

Video: How to Market Farm Products | Marketing for Farmers | Farmers Marketing Plan Strategies 2024, July

Video: How to Market Farm Products | Marketing for Farmers | Farmers Marketing Plan Strategies 2024, July

Hassle on the land, breeding animals can bring not only pleasure, but also profit. Before you start farming, calculate all the pros and cons, determine the types of products.


Instruction manual


Make a business plan. Indicate in it the amount of initial capital that you are willing to pay for the development of the economy. If it is not enough, then think about the size of the loan. Distribute these funds. Some of them will be used to rent land (if you do not own it), rent a room where cattle, small cattle, and poultry will live.


Write down the cost of maintaining 1 head of livestock (feed, bedding, staff, etc.). If you want to produce farm products of animal and vegetable origin, then rent a plot of land for the cultivation of berries, vegetables and indicate this point of expenditure. Also, the business plan includes all sorts of risks (drought, death of livestock due to illness, food spoilage, etc.)


In order not to lose cattle due to the epidemic, vaccinations must be done on time. Paid visits by a veterinarian who will periodically examine animals are also included in the expense item. Calculate the expected profit. This amount will help you decide which farm products you will produce and sell.


Let's say you have a house in a village with a large plot of land, insulated by a spacious barn. Then you can breed a bird: chickens, geese, ducks. To keep these animals you need a walk. For him, enclose a place near the barn. Feed the bird with grain, compound feed. If you buy these products in bulk, it will be cheaper than their retail value. Sell ​​poultry, eggs, chickens.


When thinking about which farm products to sell, answer yourself - those that are in demand and have a good price. The market should not be oversaturated by them. For example, in Russia, the goose liver business is still poorly developed, from which foie gras delicacy is prepared.


To do this, select only the largest geese, keep them in separate cages. Feed intensively. In addition to the liver, sell the carcasses of geese and eggs. Use hatcheries to remove goslings from eggs. In the same way, you can keep another bird, sell eggs, meat, fluff, feathers.


If you have the opportunity to raise cattle, then sell milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, beef, veal.


Sell ​​piglets, rabbits. If you breed goats, then bring the milk of these animals to the market. It costs more than a goat and is very useful. You can sell meat and wool of sheep or knit warm things from it and also sell them.


There are many farm products of plant production. Bring vegetables, berries, fruits to the wholesale or retail market. Grow tomatoes, peppers, tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse. With proper agricultural technology, a large crop is guaranteed.


For the production of sour cream, buy a separator.

Useful advice

To increase egg production in the period from autumn to spring, increase the daylight hours to 9 hours using additional illumination.
