
How to sell pies

How to sell pies

Video: How to start a Pie Business | Step by Step How to Shipping Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Pies 2024, July

Video: How to start a Pie Business | Step by Step How to Shipping Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Pies 2024, July

The demand for fast food has remained high for a long time and even shows a slow but steady growth. Therefore, the business of selling pies can bring you good profits.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - registration and permits;

  • - shop equipment;

  • - staff;

  • - advertising.

Instruction manual


To start any new business, you need to calculate all the costs and possible income. To do this, draw up a business plan. Its development can also be entrusted to specialists by providing them with all the necessary information.


Register as an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity. Remember that for trade in food later you will also need permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service.


Think about where and how you will implement the pies, because there are many options.

You can sell pies in bulk to various catering establishments and shops. For this, you will not need almost anything except an office (it can be successfully organized in your own apartment or house) and transport. Many entrepreneurs prefer to sell cakes through specialized tents or mobile racks. Also on sale now are vending machines for the sale of pastries. In their simplest modification, they can include a refrigerated bunker for storing pies and a module for heating or cooking, which works like a microwave.

You can arrange the delivery of hot cakes to your home, but you better indulged in such a service with an existing outlet.


Next, if necessary, find a room or site for the location of the outlet. Such property can be purchased or leased.


Buy all the necessary equipment. Its set will depend on the chosen method of selling pies.


If you will be independently engaged in the production of baking, find suppliers of raw materials. Otherwise, arrange supplies with the cake makers. Choose reliable and well-known companies for cooperation, because the life and health of customers can depend on you.


If you will be selling pies through stationary or mobile kiosks, you will need sellers. For the implementation of wholesale batches of products, it is advisable to create a network of sales representatives or hire sales managers. Remember that employees in direct contact with food must have medical records.


Take care of advertising. In the case of local trade, signs and a pillar will suffice. If you want to become a wholesale supplier of products, you can post information about yourself in specialized publications, on the Internet, send out commercial offers and make cold calls to potential partners.

sale of pies
