Business Communication and Ethics

How to sell a product to a buyer

How to sell a product to a buyer

Video: How To Sell A Product in 2021 - 5 Practical Strategies To Sell Anything 2024, July

Video: How To Sell A Product in 2021 - 5 Practical Strategies To Sell Anything 2024, July

The main rule of the seller is to realize why you are offering this or that product. For example, a customer’s nails are flaking, and you sell a product for the care and restoration of the nail plate, thereby you sell him a solution to the problem. A huge number of companies specialize in this type of activity, improving and improving their skills every day.


Instruction manual


Optimists always achieve high percentages of sales, unlike pessimists. The way you relate to yourself is entirely reflected in how people relate to you. If you are dissatisfied with something and you have a bad mood, then the customers who come to you for a solution to the problems also get spoiled, and of course, your sale depends on it.


When a buyer comes to the store and sees a seller smiling at him, his mood improves. When he acquired what he needed and received the maximum information, he was satisfied and he had a desire to return to this store again. If he goes into the store and sees a displeased face, then he, accordingly, will also have such a state, and there can be no talk of any purchases. Next time, before entering such a store, he wonders if it’s worth it.


The buyer must be heard and in no case interrupted by inserting the words: "Yes, I understand, I know what you need." Listen to the end, and then offer him a solution to the problem. If a person is interested in a thing, but for some reason it does not suit him or she has some shortcomings, do not be afraid to tell the buyer about it and be sure to offer another thing in return. The buyer will be inspired by trust and, naturally, will look at the thing that you offered him instead of the previous one.


Before selling goods, be sure to study their range, availability and for what purpose a particular product is used. Then, when the buyer asks you a question of interest to him, you do not have to climb the shelves and read the instructions for a long time on the question asked. During this time, the buyer may change his mind to purchase the goods.


Make your store as convenient as possible. Make the buyer want to return to it again so that the shopping process is fun. For example, you can hang a small TV in the hall, turn on quiet quiet music, if it’s hot outside, you can buy air conditioning, put a table with small games for children, then they will not distract parents from the shopping process, and adults will not have the desire to leave soon score.


Be sure to check the expiration date of the products once a week, otherwise for the buyer this may end with a hospital ward.

Maintain cleanliness in the store, dirty floors at the window frighten away customers.

Useful advice

Each person has his own personal space, in no case do not come close if you give advice.
