
How to sell rustic chicken eggs

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How to sell rustic chicken eggs

Video: How we built our egg selling stand! The Egg House Barn 2024, July

Video: How we built our egg selling stand! The Egg House Barn 2024, July

Life in the village has its undeniable advantages - clean air, the proximity of nature, always natural products. You can live in a village, going to work in the city. And you can earn on the sale of natural products - vegetables, milk, eggs, meat.


Selling on the Internet

Chicken eggs, like most other products, can be sold on various thematic sites and forums on the network. A significant minus in this case is that most potential buyers will be located at a considerable distance from you. That is, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of delivery. Perhaps, having received several orders, it would be wise to go to the nearest city (from which orders came) and raise eggs home. Or arrange with all buyers from the same city about a specific meeting place. In this case, customers should have a good reason to buy eggs from you (low price or other factors), since in large cities there are not many who want to travel a considerable distance to buy eggs, albeit environmentally friendly.

As for the resources themselves, where you can lay out your proposals, this is, for example, Avito, Farmer.ru. You can sell eggs at any regional thematic forums. The main thing is not to violate the rules for using the forum and not to scatter your proposals on all topics indiscriminately. Otherwise, you will not find customers if you are too intrusive. Determine the price (you can compare with the prices of competitors), formulate a proposal, focusing on the benefits of your hen's eggs and wait for calls from buyers.

Purchasing natural foods is also involved in the company basket Buy food "Purchases.ru".

You can find a company on the network that will buy eggs from you. Of course, they will buy products much cheaper, but delivery, promotion and other market problems can be forgotten. The company Eco-Product is engaged in procurement, for example. You can also sell other subsistence products - honey, jam, fish, meat, milk.

You can personally come to the store and make arrangements with the Manager about the delivery. In this case, the purchase price may be higher than with additional intermediaries.
