Business Communication and Ethics

How to attract customers to the company

How to attract customers to the company

Video: How to Attract Customers - 5 Marketing Strategies to Dominate Social media 2024, July

Video: How to Attract Customers - 5 Marketing Strategies to Dominate Social media 2024, July

You have opened your own business and are ready to offer your goods or services to consumers. Not many young companies immediately have enough customers. Sometimes it may take several months before you build your own customer base. But where to start? How to attract customers to the company?


Instruction manual


Tell your friends, relatives, acquaintances about yourself. It is possible that one of them will become your first customer. But even if this does not happen immediately, they may turn to you in the future. People make a deal easier if they know the person. This causes a certain level of trust. In addition, they can tell about their friends and acquaintances, and they about theirs. And among this number of people there is sure to be someone who is interested in your activities.


Launch an ad. Choose the one that suits your goals and budget. At first, the advertising campaign should be more aimed at acquainting a wide number of people with the activities of your company, at creating a positive image, etc. Of course, do not forget about advertising the product or service itself. Quite effective and affordable is online advertising. Every day, millions of people sit on the Internet, i.e. the audience here is decent. And if you wish, you can set up an advertising campaign in such a way that it will be shown only to those people who are most interested in your products. But online advertising is not the only one today. You can print your ad in a newspaper, magazine, run a video clip on television, etc. You can combine several types of advertising, if the budget allows.


Well, at first, to attract customers are various promotions, discounts, gifts for the purchase of goods or services. Or you can offer people introductory services, i.e. they are inexpensive and help potential customers get to know your company, create a certain positive opinion in their minds. For example, if you have your own printing house, you can offer all customers to develop a design for a business card as a gift. In order to correctly come up with such an action, think that your client will be more impressed that you want the client to buy from you in the future, what service you could provide quickly and without extra costs, etc.


You can hire sales managers to search for customers. Direct sales are an effective way to attract customers. A good sales manager or sales representative can find you a sufficient number of people who will be interested in your services. Moreover, managers can not only present the goods or services of the company, but also conclude transactions on the spot, which can be a plus for your business.

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