Business Communication and Ethics

How to present a product

How to present a product

Video: How To Give A Product Presentation 2024, July

Video: How To Give A Product Presentation 2024, July

When newcomers come to a trade organization, they cannot quickly navigate and understand how to tell potential customers about the product. Those as if they do not want to listen or remain indifferent. But the word “present” gives the key to success. In the sale of goods, as in any creative business, you need inspiration.


Instruction manual


Examine your product. You should understand its properties, advantages and disadvantages. If you sell a large assortment of products, mentally break it into logical groups. Make a breakdown to remember similar product characteristics within each group.


Become an observer. Do not rush to immediately communicate with potential buyers. You are not yet ready for such conversations. Observe how an experienced colleague sells a product. Try to catch how he begins the conversation, how he finds out the desires and needs of the client, how he talks about the product. One day is enough for such training. Try to catch how your colleague connects the properties of the goods with the problems of the buyer. You will notice that when selling, there is no need to talk about the product all that you know. It is enough to show the buyer how to get rid of current problems with this product.


Ask a colleague to be present at your first conversation with a client. You will be sure that in case of an error he will hedge you. And most importantly, after the sale, a colleague will give you tips on how to improve your work.


Get started on your own. You know enough about the product. To effectively present it to a client, two things must be considered. First, work enthusiastically. Secondly, do not impose your point of view on the buyer.


Do not try to manipulate people. Not everyone needs your product. Ask the customer questions to find a connection between his needs or problems and your product. Then tell the buyer about this connection. This is exactly what your job is.

Useful advice

Read Frank Battger's Lucky Merchant's book. He shares how out of a loser he became a successful seller of insurance. His experience can be applied when selling your goods / services.
