Business Communication and Ethics

How to offer your product

How to offer your product

Video: How To Sell A Product in 2021 - 5 Practical Strategies To Sell Anything 2024, July

Video: How To Sell A Product in 2021 - 5 Practical Strategies To Sell Anything 2024, July

Beginning sales representative is sure to face failures. Retail outlets in no way want to take a new product or work with a new supplier. Without them, the store is filled with products. In order not to give up, you need to know some of the principles of sales and skillfully offer goods to unfamiliar customers.


Instruction manual


Make an illustrated catalog. If the decision to work with you is made by store managers, merchandisers, senior sellers, then a special approach is needed if all of them are women. After all, women are used to choosing goods for themselves personally from catalogs. This applies to cosmetics, perfumes, kitchen and household supplies. You know the main thing in this situation - women trust catalogs. Present your product in its usual form. When there are no ready-made printed catalogs, make home-made. Place product labels on them. This often works and makes it easy to enter new outlets. No one wants to waste time analyzing a new price list. You can view the catalog very quickly. This is a small key to women's hearts.


Go around all the outlets in the entrusted territory. Most likely, they will refuse you in most places. It does not matter. The sellers have such a psychology - they first test a new person for strength. If it doesn’t disappear and appears again, it means that he really does something, then you can start working. So, don’t take it to heart when they say that you don’t need anything. Say that you will come next time something interesting appears. This is usually agreed. Now your task is to find the first customer. Just one thing. This is quite realistic even for a beginner.


Re-enter the stores located next to the first customer. Say you have news. Refer to the first customer and say that your product will be in that store. Buyers notice everything. If new items appear there, but they will not be in this store, they will start contacting them more often. This argument will be important to many.


Collect statistics and reviews. Ask customers how things are going with your product. Remember what they say.


Visit the remaining stores. Say that your product is already sold at 17 outlets. Just tell the truth. Repeat the words of satisfied customers. This will encourage others to start working with you. Successful people are accepted everywhere.


Let the first deliveries be small. Make sure that the new customer does not violate payment obligations. Do not trust even famous and well-known stores in this matter. Get personal experience in resolving monetary issues with them. If everything is in order, increase shipments.

Useful advice

Take an example from children. They so ask their parents to buy a toy, not paying attention to the refusals, that sooner or later they get their way.

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  • how to offer goods
