
How to build a kiosk

How to build a kiosk

Video: DIY: How to Build a Tiki Bar - RealCedar.com 2024, July

Video: DIY: How to Build a Tiki Bar - RealCedar.com 2024, July

Retail trade and catering are considered the most promising and stable areas of activity in our country. Opening a kiosk can be a great start to starting your own business.


You will need

  • constituent and permits

  • kiosk and shop equipment

  • goods

  • seller

Instruction manual


Find a suitable place for the future stall or rent a plot with a ready-made kiosk.


Register a limited liability company or private enterprise, register with the tax office and the pension fund. It will take you about 10 business days.


Write a statement to the administration of the district where you want to put up a kiosk in order to get permission for this. The Office of Architecture and the Land Committee must also give their consent. All these bureaucratic delays will take you about a month.


Having received all possible permissions, you can safely proceed with the installation of the kiosk itself. By the way, the payback period of the stall is at least two months.


Buy the most necessary equipment: cash register, refrigerator, heater for the winter.


Now it's time to fill the windows of your kiosk. The best sellers, of course, will be beer and cigarettes. The entire assortment of stalls is usually about 500 items. Some products will need to be licensed.


Find a seller. The seller’s salary is piece-rate and directly depends on sales.


To avoid possible risks, do not buy a kiosk right away - it is better to rent a stall with a seat. In this case, the losses from a possibly unsuccessful business will be much smaller. The rental price depends on the location of the kiosk. Of course, the closer the stop or subway, the higher the rent.

Remember that the only alcoholic beverage a private entrepreneur can sell is beer. To sell vodka or cocktails, you need to get special permission.

Useful advice

Choose a place for the stall as crowded as possible - bus stops, metro stations, central streets of the city.

You will buy goods at wholesale bases. Prices from different wholesalers may vary, so study the offers on several bases and choose the most profitable. In order to determine which product is in the highest demand, buy a little of everything, look at sales and draw conclusions.
