
How to get a certificate of conformity

How to get a certificate of conformity

Video: General Certificate of Conformity (GCC): A Video Tutorial 2024, July

Video: General Certificate of Conformity (GCC): A Video Tutorial 2024, July

In the modern world, more and more enterprising people are trying to improve the quality of the product they sell to carry out a profitable business. This is often done through certification. The procedure for obtaining a certificate of conformity is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.


You will need

manufacturer's warranties for products, sanitary certificates, fire safety certificates, copies of existing certificates, regulatory and technical documentation for manufactured or imported products.

Instruction manual


First you need to get advice on the procedure for filing an application with a certification body. After that, send the application of the established form for certification, provide a sample and technical documentation for the products and pay for certification work.


Gather the necessary documents. To obtain a certificate, enclose the manufacturer’s warranties for products that are subject to certification, sanitary certificates, fire safety certificates, etc. (depending on which products you would like to certify), copies of existing certificates issued by competent organizations of the manufacturer (if any), as well as regulatory and technical documentation for manufactured or imported products.


The certification body will consider your application in a period of not more than two weeks and inform you of its decision on the conditions and procedure for certification, conduct an analysis of the state of production (if this is provided for by the certification scheme) and select product samples for its identification. Or entrust it to another competent organization.


Further, the laboratory carries out sampling and testing. After that, the laboratory issues a test report to obtain a certificate.


The certification body assesses the conformity of the declared products with the established requirements and makes a decision on the issuance of a certificate or refusal. If a positive decision is made, a certificate of conformity is issued, which is entered in the State Register of the GOST R Certification System.


After passing all the procedures, a certificate of conformity is issued to the applicant.
