
How to get SES permission

How to get SES permission

Video: Amazon SES - How to increase the limits and remove sandbox mode - Very Important 2024, July

Video: Amazon SES - How to increase the limits and remove sandbox mode - Very Important 2024, July

The permission of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) must be obtained for each company that is engaged in trade or the provision of consumer services. Such permission can be obtained by collecting and submitting to the SES Office a certain package of documents.


You will need

  • To obtain permission from the SES, you need to collect the following package of documents:
  • - Constituent documents of the company;

  • - Certificate of state registration of the company (PSRN);

  • - Certificate of tax registration (TIN);

  • - Documents for the premises (lease agreement, certificate of ownership, BTI documents, etc.);

  • - Contract for garbage collection.
  • In some cases, other documents (sanitary passport, etc.) may be required. These documents are submitted to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

Instruction manual


The SES permit confirms that the company's products comply with all sanitary standards, and the premises of the company can be used for those activities for which they are used. It is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the federal law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."


The permission of the SES on the compliance of premises, equipment and other property with sanitary rules must be obtained for those companies that carry out such types of activities as the production of medicines, alcohol products, medical activities, educational activities, etc. A complete list is presented in Article 40 of the federal law "On sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population."


You can get permission from SES 2 weeks after submitting documents. The SES permit issued once is valid indefinitely (the exception is permits issued for any temporary work). It should be remembered that there is no fee for issuing it.

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How to apply for an SES permit

ses permissions
