
How to get a license for a bookmaker

How to get a license for a bookmaker

Video: How to Start an Online Gambling Business? - Run a Small Sports Book 2024, July

Video: How to Start an Online Gambling Business? - Run a Small Sports Book 2024, July

Bookmaker activity is subject to the law "On licensing of certain types of activities" and is regulated by the Regulation "On licensing of the organization and conduct of gambling in bookmakers and sweepstakes" of July 17, 2007. It refers to the gambling business, therefore, to obtain a license, you must comply with many requirements.


You will need

  • - assets in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles;

  • - the necessary package of documents;

  • - copies of qualification documents.

Instruction manual


Before submitting documents for licensing, declare all points of acceptance of bets, which will be listed in the license. Certify the premises of cash desks, the requirements for which are similar to the requirements for bank premises. To apply, you need to have assets in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles. Of these, a billion should be accounted for by net assets, 0.5 billion - by a bank guarantee and 100 million should be the authorized capital formed from non-borrowed funds. Complete all the requirements for equipment, cash desks, certification programs.


Obtaining a license for a bookmaker is necessary on the basis of an application submitted to the licensing authority. In this case, write an application for a license in the name of the head of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Tourism and Sports.


Prepare the necessary package of documents, an annex to the application. Its part will be constituent documents: notarized copies of the organization’s charter, certificates of TIN and OGRN assignment, certified copies of documents confirming the licensee’s ownership or lease for buildings, structures and structures necessary for bookmaking.


Write a list of buildings and structures with the addresses in which the bookmaking activity will be conducted. As applications, draw up and attach floor plans for gambling establishments at all the addresses listed in the list. On each, mark the service areas of gambling participants, service areas, and locations of sweepstakes cash registers or bookmaker cash desks, if it is planned separately.


Attach copies of documents confirming the qualifications of your company’s employees, whose responsibility will be to ensure the safety of players and all other visitors to the betting shop. If such services will be provided by a third-party organization, attach a copy of the contract with it.


Take in the law enforcement authorities certificates that license applicants, founders of the enterprise do not have a convicted conviction for economic crimes or for those related to moderate crimes, serious and especially serious.


In addition, you will need to attach copies of documents to the application confirming the size and legality of the sources of origin of the authorized capital and copies of documents confirming that you have a license for an irrevocable bank guarantee.


If all the documents are drawn up correctly, you will receive a license within 45 days from the date of application.

  • Regulation “On the licensing of activities for the organization and conduct of gambling in bookmakers and sweepstakes” of July 17, 2007.
  • how to apply for a license
