
How to prepare a quotation

How to prepare a quotation

Video: How to make a Quotation 2024, July

Video: How to make a Quotation 2024, July

A beautiful, memorable, unusually presented commercial offer is the key to a quick conclusion of a mutually beneficial transaction. There are several rules, compliance with which will help you make really high-quality offers that will be carefully read by potential customers.


Instruction manual


The first and most important thing - sending a commercial offer should not be the first step in getting to know a potential client. First you need to make a call to the client, conduct a business meeting with him and find out his needs. You must know exactly what the client is, how you can be useful to him, what aspects of your proposal should be paid attention to. If you want to sell your product or service to a large company, keep in mind that its management receives many competitive offers. And in order for your letter to be read and the expected effect to be made, you must know exactly how to interest the person making the decision about the possibility of cooperation with you.


After clarifying the needs, proceed directly to the preparation of the proposal. It is very important that it be clearly personified. Contact the head of the company or another responsible employee strictly by name, add the logo of potential customers to your proposal, show how carefully you relate to their needs. General commercial offers, designed to be sent to anyone at any time, are usually quickly sent to the basket. Point out the attention of future partners that you are ready to offer them a unique service that is perfect for them. Explain why you think so. In the text, more often use the name of the company - the future partner, often call the manual by name. This will help the addressee understand that you carefully listened to his words at the meeting, and that further cooperation will be mutually beneficial for both of you.


At the beginning of the offer, tell us in detail about your company. How long have you been working, how firmly have you been established in the market. Complete your offer with information on awards and other achievements. Tell us about your largest existing customers, supplement this information with reviews, and, if possible, with contact details of those who can give your company a positive rating.


It is important to beautifully design a commercial proposal according to the corporate style. Print it on a color printer, or send it in PDF format so that the correct design is preserved. Highlight the most important points in bold, draw graphics, make the client easily navigate in the text. Your offer should be nice to hold. The client should want to show your offer to business partners.


Turning directly to the description of the services offered, draw the attention of a potential client to the uniqueness of your offer. What is the value of your proposal specifically for this company, why does cooperation with you, and not your competitors, have a beneficial effect on the development of the business of your future partner? That is what should be described in detail in the offer. If your company offers several types of services, focus the client only on those that are required by him. You should not give detailed information about all your opportunities, tell us about the services you provide only thesis, focusing only on what the future business partner really needs.


Be sure to include detailed contacts at the end of the offer. Do not limit yourself to a phone number; the signature should contain information about e-mail, landline and mobile phone. If your company supports communication with clients in skype or ICQ, specify these contacts. It should be convenient and easy for the client to contact you. And he will certainly do it by carefully reading your unique, personalized and beautifully designed commercial offer.

beautiful offer in 2019
