Business management

How to prepare documents for the tender

How to prepare documents for the tender

Video: How to Prepare Tender Documents for Construction Project? 2024, July

Video: How to Prepare Tender Documents for Construction Project? 2024, July

Very popular among businessmen participating in various tenders. Tender is a prerequisite for state order. It means the customer’s opportunity to familiarize themselves with the terms of cooperation submitted by the executors, without devoting them to each other’s proposals.


You will need

  • - competitive bid;

  • - a package of documents on the activities of the company.

Instruction manual


When preparing documents for a tender, the most important thing is to correctly compose a tender application. It should take into account the requirements of the tender documentation, which relate to the quality and technical characteristics of the procured work. Tender documentation is compiled in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement and the Rules for the Procurement of Public Goods.


It is submitted in writing in a sealed envelope or in the form of an electronic document. On the envelope you need to indicate the name of the competition (lot), which apply. The tender application should reflect the name of the company, information on its legal form, details, contact numbers.


In addition, the application is attached:

- extract from the unified state register of legal entities (original or notarized copy); it must be made no earlier than 6 months from the date of the tender announcement;

- copies of constituent documents;

- proposals on the quality of work and the terms of the contract;

- documents confirming the qualifications of the declared participant.


After filing all the applications, the competitive commission makes their assessment and selects the most optimal proposal. 10 days from the moment of signing the corresponding protocol are allotted for consideration of applications. In the case of consideration of an order worth more than 50 million rubles, the period may be delayed up to 30 days.


When choosing an executor, the commission takes into account the price of the proposed contract, the qualifications of the bidder, quality assurance, the timing of the order, the availability of technological equipment, production facilities, labor, financial resources. The use of other criteria for evaluating applications in the tender is not allowed.


The winner of the competition is the participant who proposed the best conditions for the execution of the contract.


The most important moment in electronic bidding is the provision of a package of documents confirming the desire to participate and guarantee the solvency of the contractor. The further outcome of the case depends on the correct execution of documents for participation in the tender - if your application is accepted, then one of the important stages has been completed. More details.

Useful advice

The conditions for participation in the tender are determined by the customer. An essential condition is the provision of a competitive or auction application, as well as the recognition of the winner of the one who made the best proposal for the execution of the order. What documents are needed to participate in the tender? As mentioned above, to participate in the tender it is necessary to provide the documentation requested by the customer. However, there is a standard package of documents required in almost all cases. So, to participate in the bidding necessary

what documents are needed for the tender
