
How to entice a client from competitors

How to entice a client from competitors

Video: Use These 7 Tools to Spy On Your Competitors and Steal Their Best Marketing Tactics 2024, July

Video: Use These 7 Tools to Spy On Your Competitors and Steal Their Best Marketing Tactics 2024, July

Entice customers from a competitor is the dream of any director and owner of the organization. Firstly, a firm can thus occupy a large market share, and secondly, weaken the position of an opponent. There are several ways to lure a client from competitors.


You will need

Contacts of customers of competitors, commercial offer, funds for advertising.

Instruction manual


Call competitor customers. This method will be most relevant for mobile operators, as they can evaluate which users of the operator contact their customers most often. So they will be able to track the number of the person to whom you can turn later with a profitable offer.


Email your competitor’s customers. To do this, make a proposal in which it is necessary to indicate all the advantages of working with you. The difficulty lies in the fact that to find out the address of a person is not so simple.


Make a newsletter. To do this, print out flyers and put them in the mailboxes of competitor’s customers.


Visit potential customers. This method is suitable for Internet service providers who are just starting to process a specific area occupied by a competitor.


Take a position in front of a competitor’s office. Thus, you can always "catch" a client who uses or is going to use the services of rivals of the company. To do this, you can put promoters or install a billboard.


Design a promotion. You must carefully consider the conditions that will be beneficial to your competitor's customers. Lower prices, higher quality, gifts and other loyalty systems. You can report the action in the media and on television.


Organize a special promotion for competitor customers. For example, when you submit a discount card to a competitor, you can offer your own and a good discount on the purchase of your goods and the use of your services.


Remember that if you seriously cross the road to your competitors, they can sue you. Often, the judge recognizes the injured party as the right and can set the amount of the fine, which will be paid by an unscrupulous competitor.

  • Interception management
  • how do competitors lure
