
How to open your point of sale of clothes

How to open your point of sale of clothes

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In order to open a sales outlet for the sale of clothes, you do not need much time and money. This business, in principle, is simple. It is much more difficult to develop it and make it profitable. At the same time, remember about such concepts as promotions, discounts, complexity, merchandising.


Instruction manual


Before you open a outlet, you need to analyze the profitability of this case. To do this, you should consider existing competitors, their product range, choose a place for sale, study the demand of potential buyers. If you decide to open your own business, then it is better to contact those who are already engaged in a similar business to take into account all the possible nuances.


It’s good if you yourself or with someone else’s help draw up a business plan for opening a clothing outlet. It must take into account expenses, the main article of which will be the rental or purchase of premises in the market, store or in a shopping center. You can spend not too much on the first batch of goods. In the future, depending on demand, the assortment can be adjusted. You need to update the product at least 1-2 times a week.


In order to open a outlet, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, you should choose a tax system. The most beneficial for you will be a single tax on imputed income, the so-called imputation, in which the amount of tax depends on the area of ​​the leased premises.


You should also contact the certification and customs authorities in order to agree on the issuance of certificates for the goods. Do not forget about the cash register, its registration with the tax authorities and the signing of an agreement with a technical service center.


In order for your business to develop successfully, you must be aware of fashion trends and new clothes, then you will have regular customers, find the best place for deliveries in terms of price and quality, pay attention to the income level of potential buyers and their willingness to purchase things at a set price.


Do not forget about the design of the workplace. It should stand out for its unusual design in order to attract buyers. Do not be afraid to experiment and show imagination, because your further success will depend on this.
