
How to open your coffee shop

How to open your coffee shop

Video: How To Start A Coffee Shop ☕ (Easy Step-By-Step Breakdown) | How To Open A Cafe Business 2020 2024, July

Video: How To Start A Coffee Shop ☕ (Easy Step-By-Step Breakdown) | How To Open A Cafe Business 2020 2024, July

Own coffee shop is the best business for a coffee lover. You will do and sell what you love and what you understand. In addition, coffee houses are very cost-effective compared to other catering establishments. Despite the fact that there are a lot of coffee houses in Moscow, they are still much smaller than in New York. According to Forbes magazine, there are 75 coffee houses per 100, 000 New Yorkers, and only 4 for 100, 000 Muscovites.


Instruction manual


For a coffee shop, as well as for other catering establishments, the location is very important. It is not necessary to try to find a room in the very center of the city, especially if there are already so many coffee houses in it. However, a coffee shop definitely needs a lively place: near a metro or a large business center, in a cinema or a shopping center.


Most customers of coffee houses are relatively young people, from 17 to 40 years old. The largest among them are women. You should be guided by this and sell as many various desserts and syrups for coffee as possible - yet women, as a rule, love sweets. In addition, taking one small dessert, you often want to take another and another cup of coffee. If your coffee shop is located near a business center or institute, be sure to sell coffee in cardboard “takeaway” cups, as many office workers and students do not have breakfast at home.


To open a very small coffee shop - for 15-20 seats - you need a room with an area of ​​60-70 sq.m. A quarter of the room will be occupied by the kitchen. If your coffee house expects to host up to 70 guests at a time, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​200 square meters or more. The room will need to be divided into smoking and non-smoking areas, make repairs, install air conditioning.


It is especially worthwhile to approach the preparation of a coffee card - the menu. There are still a lot of coffee houses, and yours should stand out. The easiest way is to go around all the coffee shops located near your intended location and try coffee, as well as analyze the menu. Surely you will find something that is, for example, only in one of these coffee houses. Let this type of coffee or type of drink appear in your place too.


As for desserts and snacks, the cheapest way is to buy them from manufacturers of confectionery and culinary products. However, your own kitchen has several advantages: you can cook exclusive author's desserts, they will always be fresh. In addition, you will not encounter the problem of unsold products, i.e. purchased desserts and snacks will not be lost.


For a coffee shop, certain equipment is important. The minimum is a coffee machine, a coffee grinder, a display case for desserts, a refrigerator, a mixer, dishes. For the kitchen you will need special equipment, it depends on what you will cook. From the staff you will need from 2 to 6 waitresses, 2-3 baristas, a cleaning lady and 1-2 cooks if you have your own kitchen.


Do not forget about advertising. Even before the opening of the coffee shop, you can start distributing booklets and posting ads on the Internet. This will help attract customers as early as possible. The more customers you have, the faster your coffee shop will pay off. The average payback period is from one and a half years, but due to a competent advertising campaign it can be reduced to a year or more.

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