
How to open your own private school

How to open your own private school

Video: How To Start A School (Private/Charters/Religious) pt. 1 | TEACHERpreneur 2024, July

Video: How To Start A School (Private/Charters/Religious) pt. 1 | TEACHERpreneur 2024, July

Opening a private school is not the most profitable business idea, but useful. Parents often open private schools primarily for their children and their peers, because they are dissatisfied with the quality of education in public schools.


Instruction manual


Opening a private school will require a fairly large amount of money. These investments will go to the following:

1. rent of a large, convenient for training premises.

2. repair of this room and the creation of comfortable training conditions (purchase of necessary furniture, equipment).

3. salary for teachers.

4. registration of a legal entity.

5. advertising.

6. site.


The main point when opening a private school is to obtain a license for educational activities. It is received in the state education management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For Moscow, this is the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. To obtain a license, you will need to prepare the documents listed on the Department’s website: .


If you look at the list of documents that must be submitted to obtain a license, it becomes clear that opening a private school is a very long and laborious process. After all, a license will be issued only to those who already have staff of teachers, there is a staffing table, the conclusions of bodies involved in fire and sanitary-epidemiological surveillance, and much more are collected. Therefore, preparation for obtaining a license begins with the creation of a legal entity, the selection of qualified personnel, rent and preparation of premises for schools, the preparation of curricula.


Already at the stage of collecting the documents necessary for obtaining a license, you can begin to attract clients - students to a private school. For this, any advertising will work, as well as the creation of a site on which parents and students could learn everything about the new school. It should be remembered that the most important criterion when choosing a school for a child is, of course, her reputation, so it is hardly worth expecting that many people will immediately come to the new school.


At first, word of mouth will be a good advertisement for your private school - just tell friends who have children that you plan to open a private school, recruit the best teachers, look for new approaches to learning. They can become your first customers and create a good reputation for the school.

  • The site of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.
  • documents for opening a school
