
How to open your restaurant from scratch

How to open your restaurant from scratch

Video: Restaurant Start up Mistakes: How to open a Restaurant 2024, July

Video: Restaurant Start up Mistakes: How to open a Restaurant 2024, July

In the restaurant business, it is impossible to be guided by dry calculation alone, the flight of imagination and the ability to give your restaurant an attractive force that will make visitors return there again and again are no less important. Therefore, when opening a new restaurant, you need to use both your own creative potential and the creative energy of your hired assistants - the future manager and designer.


You will need

  • - the general concept of the restaurant;

  • - premises in a respectable area of ​​the city;

  • - The design of the hall;

  • - a set of kitchen equipment;

  • - experienced manager;

  • - chef and kitchen staff;

  • - maintenance staff (waiters, head waiter, security guards).

Instruction manual


Come up with the concept of the restaurant, while well imagining its potential visitors, the taste of which you will count on. Its success largely depends on the general concept of the institution, so if the idea is unsuccessful, you will have to start all over again, spending time and money again. It is much better to think over the concept in advance, discuss the idea with people experienced in the restaurant business, and refrain from tiring experiments in the future.


Choose a place for the restaurant, taking into account the specifics of such establishments in advance - they are mostly in demand in the evening, people with incomes predominantly come from slightly higher, and sometimes much higher than average. Therefore, it is advisable to open a restaurant in the historical (but not business) center of the city, emphasizing its connection with local attractions. Many restaurant visitors are tourists or guests who have arrived on a business trip who will be convenient to use the services of your establishment after a fact-finding walk around the city.


Acquire or rent a medium-sized room in your chosen location. At this stage of creation and equipment of the restaurant, it is especially important to pay attention to two points - the design of the hall and the purchase of kitchen equipment. The first is to be entrusted to an experienced designer who will first prepare the project for approval. The solution to the second problem is best passed to an experienced manager - the market of professional equipment for food service establishments is very specific, and it is easier for an experienced specialist to navigate it.


Recruit staff for your restaurant that will work in shifts. In large restaurants, more than 50 people can be involved, but you can get by with two dozen if the scale of your establishment is average. In addition to the waiters and their foreman (three to four people per shift), you will have head waiter, security guards, and, of course, kitchen workers led by a chef. The choice of a chef is the number one task after creating a common concept, you need to invite only trusted masters, whose reputation is known to everyone and is not in doubt.

How to open a restaurant
