
How to open your kindergarten

How to open your kindergarten

Video: Open Shut Them | Super Simple Songs 2024, July

Video: Open Shut Them | Super Simple Songs 2024, July

Currently, the problem of kindergartens is quite acute in our country. In addition, municipal preschool institutions often do not meet the requirements of modern children and parents - poor nutrition, the impossibility of an individual approach to each child, and the lack of necessary educational materials. Therefore, the opening of a private kindergarten is a rather profitable start of your own business.


Instruction manual


Remember that when you open a private garden, you may encounter some difficulties. First of all, they relate to obtaining all necessary licenses and permits, as well as finding investors or accumulating start-up capital. After all, a private garden will have to invest a lot of money, and you will receive profit only a few months after its opening.


So, to open a private garden, you need to get a license to conduct educational activities. To do this, submit the following documents to the Department of Education:

- a contract for the rental of a room or a certificate of ownership of it;

- the conclusion of fire and sanitary services on the compliance of the premises with the established requirements;

- documents confirming tax registration;

- articles of association;

- educational program;

- documents confirming the availability of methodological literature and teaching aids;

- data on the teaching staff.


When looking for a place for kindergarten, pay attention to the list of sanitary rules and norms put forward by the preschool institution. The best option is to rent a building of the former state kindergarten. After all, during its construction all basic norms were taken into account. In the room you will have to make repairs, bring in communications, install security and fire alarms. As for furniture, get cribs, cabinets, benches, chairs, tables, racks for toys.


Form the staff of your institution. It should include educators, nannies, a medical worker, a manager, a cook, a cleaning lady. If opportunities allow, you can hire a security guard, psychologist, sports coach, music worker.


Please note that the profit of a private garden directly depends on the number of visitors attracted. Therefore, carefully consider the strategy of the advertising company and begin its implementation immediately after obtaining a license. To do this, place advertisements on the Internet, on radio, television, post flyers on playgrounds, game centers, clinics.

how to open your kindergarten
