
How to open a business: where to start

How to open a business: where to start

Video: How To: Start a Business Step By Step in 2018 | Trishonnastrends 2024, July

Video: How To: Start a Business Step By Step in 2018 | Trishonnastrends 2024, July

You firmly decided to leave work and start your own business. Or until you left, but just going. You have a very great desire to do business and some capital for these purposes. How and where to start, what is the first step to take?


Instruction manual


The basis of the business is not several higher educations, not an MBA, not a huge capital, but the spirit of entrepreneurship: the ability to create, come up with a fresh idea or use someone already created, successfully search for the possibility of its implementation, work with clients. Actually, this is the most important thing to start with. To do this, it is not at all necessary to leave work or have a certain capital (some start a business from scratch). If you already have an idea, you have done some of the work of starting a business.


Who can use your idea? How to promote it? The answer to these questions is not so simple, but not difficult: a little marketing research can be done on a free day using the Internet. For example, you are planning to open an online store of tights and underwear. Enter in the search engines Yandex or Google the corresponding request ("buy tights", "where to find inexpensive underwear") and analyze at least ten sites offering to buy these things. What are the price categories in this sector? What brands of tights and underwear are popular? How are online store sites arranged? Thanks to this, you can understand what is most in demand, which groups of people prefer certain things, how it is or how not to create sites for online stores.


Start looking for suppliers and customers right away. At first you can go through the same Internet, write a letter, discuss prices and possible discounts. The second ones are a little more complicated: the first customers will most likely be your acquaintances. This may be a little perplexing for some, since we tend to hide our undertakings from acquaintances if we are not sure of their successful result, and new entrepreneurs very often doubt their success, which is understandable. It is worth trying to overcome your embarrassment, because it is about your business. At first, each client is important to you, no matter who he is. Therefore, be sure to send everyone messages on social networks and letters about your undertaking, or rather just call people. Make business cards and hand them out at a meeting. People should be prepared to buy your products.


A site is very important for an online store, so it should be your first big waste. Do not agree to inexpensive offers from acquaintances who have just learned how to create websites for business, it is better to use the services of an experienced specialist. As soon as the site appears, spend money on contextual advertising: it usually attracts online store customers well.


Your next steps should be to register as an individual entrepreneur and rent a small warehouse. If you plan to deliver underwear and tights using couriers, you will need to hire one or two couriers to start or sign an agreement with a courier service. But at first it will be possible to practice “pick-up” of goods.


Separately, it should be said about the rental of premises. It is not necessary for an online store to have a room in the city center, but it still should not be too far away, at least let a metro station be nearby. Most likely, the client will choose the pickup point to which he is less likely to go. In addition, if couriers each time have to get to the client by several means of transport, they will have time to deliver less goods.

Small Business Website 2018
