
How to open your own restaurant business

How to open your own restaurant business

Video: What I Learned From Owning My Own Restaurant After 1 Year 2024, July

Video: What I Learned From Owning My Own Restaurant After 1 Year 2024, July

Recently, people, watching the development of the restaurant business, have been wondering: how to open it. This field of activity is very popular in Russia, therefore it is profitable and cost-effective. But for the restaurant to be profitable, you need to properly organize the business at the initial stage.


Drawing up a business plan

To plan your actions correctly, you must draw up a business plan. You ask: why is it needed? The thing is that you will have visual aids on running and organizing a business. In addition, you can evaluate the reality of this project, calculate the estimated amount of profit, as well as the payback period of the project. This document will help you avoid mistakes when creating a restaurant. That is, a business plan is a kind of assistant in your business. But before proceeding to the drafting of the document, determine some of the costs, for example, for the rental of premises, advertising, the purchase of equipment, etc.

Search for a source of financing

Of course, it will not work to open a restaurant business without money. A beginner restaurateur will need a rather large amount. Therefore, if you do not have enough funds, you can use credit. Financial institutions are actively promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses, that is, you will probably be able to get funds from the bank. But for this it will be necessary to collect a fairly impressive package of documents. This includes a business plan, because borrowers should familiarize themselves with your project, evaluate its realism. If you do not want to use a loan, attract investors for financing. But for this you will need to offer them profitable cooperation, for example, you can promise them some percentage of the turnover.

Search for premises

Search for the building where your restaurant will be located. To do this, conduct market research. First of all, you need to evaluate your competitors. Suppose you decide to open a restaurant in the city center. Visit the institutions of your colleagues, analyze the service, identify weaknesses. If during this work you learned that everything suits your customers, then it would be more advisable to consider other options for the location of your institution. Once the "fishing spot" is found, collect as much information as possible on the rental of premises. To do this, talk with their owners, specify the availability of a fire exit, toilets (that is, you must choose a room that is most suitable for fire safety and SES). Also pay attention to the presence of parking near the building, because for customers it will be an indisputable advantage.

The choice of cuisine

Decide on the kitchen that you will offer customers. If you want to choose a foreign cuisine, be prepared for the fact that you will encounter some difficulties. For example, for Italian dishes you will need to buy fresh seafood, vegetables. In order for your restaurant to serve authentic dishes, you will have to recruit cooks from Italy. Therefore, if you are short of money, start with local dishes.

Registration and obtaining permissions from higher authorities

To carry out activities in Russia, you will need to register with the tax office, but for this you will need to choose the legal form - LLC or individual entrepreneur (the package of documents depends on this, which you will need to provide to the Federal Tax Service for further registration).

If the leased premises has a long service life, the relevant authorities, before issuing a permit, examine it for the strength of the beams and the foundation. Coordinate the technological design in higher authorities.

Get permission for the right to manufacture and sell products in the field of catering. To do this, contact the sanitary-epidemiological service. For the sale of alcoholic beverages, you will also need a license for alcohol.

Restaurant decoration

You need to think over the design of the room. The profit and profitability of your project depends on this. To do this, you can contact the designers, or you can develop a plan yourself. For example, you can design a restaurant in a classic form or come up with something original (a pirate ship, a restaurant on a swing, etc.). Carry out repair work, for this, use the services of a construction team.

Acquisition of equipment and inventory

Buy all the necessary equipment, utensils, furniture, household appliances, table textile, workwear for workers. Be sure to connect an automatic alarm, set good ventilation.

Recruitment and selection of suppliers

Accept the staff, it should be cooks, waiters, washers, cleaners, administrator, accountant, etc. It is better if your employees are professionals, so you get rid of many unnecessary expenses (for example, training). Together with the chef, develop a menu, set prices. Find suppliers for products, alcohol and other products (it is better if they are large and there will be

Advertising company

Run an advertising company, for this, contact a special agency. To attract customers, come up with some kind of action. For example, develop a bonus program or install a flexible discount system.

As you see, opening a restaurant business is quite difficult. But if you organize it correctly, the project will pay off in a year!
