
How to open a delivery service

How to open a delivery service

Video: How To Start A Local Delivery Business 2020 2024, July

Video: How To Start A Local Delivery Business 2020 2024, July

The speed of life of modern people is constantly growing, and to save personal, some people prefer to get rid of the routine purchases of food, clothing, household chemicals. Therefore, shipping companies have become a highly profitable and fast-growing business in the last decade.


You will need

  • - registration documents;

  • - telephone, Internet access, directory of organizations;

  • - staff;

  • - suppliers;

  • - advertising.

Instruction manual


In order to start such a business in the field of delivery, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or organize a legal entity. Otherwise, acting without official documents at your own peril and risk, you can be brought not only to administrative, but in some cases to criminal liability.


Investments for organizing a delivery service are practically not required. If you intend to work independently at first, then you can use your own housing as an office, working almost in bed. You only need a phone, a computer with Internet access, a directory of organizations in your region. It will be difficult and costly to work without a personal car. But in this case, it will be possible to hire a driver or courier for the car. Also, a car can be purchased on credit.


To make a profit not only from paying for delivery services, but also directly from the sale of a product, establish business ties with various entrepreneurs in your region. You need to get from them not only wholesale, but also retail discounts.


It is very important to establish the right price for the service. It may depend on the total cost of purchases, but in the case when you spend a lot of time choosing a product, it makes sense to make an hourly payment. But the most important thing is that the client feels that the time saved by him justifies the material costs.


Delivery service advertising tools can be different and will depend entirely on the target audience. If you want to attract individuals, then suitable advertisements in print media, on the radio or local television channel, mailing list. In order for corporate clients to know about you, it makes sense to call them and send out commercial offers.

how to create a delivery service
