
How to open a McDonald's restaurant

How to open a McDonald's restaurant

Video: How to become a McDonald's Franchisee 2024, July

Video: How to become a McDonald's Franchisee 2024, July

The creation of such a large business project as the McDonald's restaurant requires not only a large starting capital, but also knowledge of some features. But there is one advantage of this type of activity - you do not need to think over a project implementation plan in advance, because McDonald's is distributed as a franchise (ready-made system).


You will need

  • - a computer;

  • - the Internet;

  • - business plan;

  • - start-up capital;

  • - documents;

  • - staff.

Instruction manual


Go to the official website of McDonald's and make sure that you can open a similar restaurant in your country of residence. This can be found in the support service of this resource. Write in the support the name of the country and zip code. Soon you will receive a response to your request.


Collect start-up capital. The cost of the franchise (the right to create a company) will cost you $ 45, 000 every year. This is the tax that the company charges. For the physical opening of the restaurant you will need 1.4-1.8 million dollars. However, McDonald’s only allows 40% of this figure. The remaining amount can be allocated for 7 years by paying a loan at the bank with which the company cooperates.


Make a loan repayment plan if you do not have the required amount. Calculate, based on rough statistics, how much net profit you will receive when you successfully launch a business. You need to take statistics of your region. These numbers will just affect whether you can pay off your debts or not. If you are not sure, start attracting the capital of private investors and like-minded people.


Get special McDonald's training for restaurant owners. You will need to study full-time or in absentia from 12 to 24 months before you can actually manage such an organization.


Collect all the necessary documents to start the construction of the restaurant. You will need to have permission to do business (TIN, IP), fire protection permits, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and documents from the Housing Office.


Find staff to get started. You will need at least 20 people at the time the restaurant opens. Take care of this question in advance. Post ads to your local commercial newspaper and online. You will need cooks, janitors, waiters, sellers, security guards, etc. Select candidates.


Start a step-by-step plan for starting a business. When you have the capital, knowledge, documents and staff ready to work, you can already proceed directly to the construction of the restaurant. Once it is completed, follow the remaining steps in the business development plan.


This type of business involves the payment of 12.5% ​​of the total annual fee to the company. The McDonald's franchise agreement is concluded for 20 years.

  • How to open McDonald's in 2018
  • open mcdonalds in 2018
