
How to open a grocery pavilion

How to open a grocery pavilion

Video: The Grocery Game QuickStart - Getting Started 2024, July

Video: The Grocery Game QuickStart - Getting Started 2024, July

Food trade is always a demanded business. You can make good money on the physiological needs of a person in food, which is used by most entrepreneurs around the world.


Instruction manual


If you decide to open your own grocery pavilion, then first find a place with good traffic. There are many pavilions on the market, so it will be easy to find an empty or rented one. However, be sure to monitor the flow of customers in a particular territory. Make sure that the selected object stands in the way of potential customers.


Having picked up a suitable place, register (IP or LLC - you decide). Remember that if you plan to trade in alcohol, then IP under the current legislation will not work.


When all the documents are ready, start choosing the assortment for the store. Consider the specifics of the place, this is very important. In the market, middle-income people prefer to buy products. Also, buyers come here who appreciate the freshness of purchased products, primarily meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Buyers usually come to the market once a week for bulk purchases.


Choose a grocery kiosk specialization option. The first option is highly specialized stores, for example, selling various varieties of tea and coffee by weight or sweets. The second option is a regular grocery. The assortment should include: cereals, spices, pasta, cheeses and sausages, the maximum possible number of brands of vegetable oil, canned goods, juices and mineral waters, sweets, tea and coffee, sauces and mayonnaises, frozen foods.


Pay particular attention to staff recruitment. After all, it depends on him whether the buyers want to return to your store again. Also, make sure that sellers have sanitary books, because checks in the field of food trade are quite common.


Set aside most of the budget for the purchase of commercial and refrigeration equipment. But before you purchase it, keep in mind that many manufacturers provide their refrigeration equipment for free to trade in a product of their brand.


Examine the prices of your nearest competitors and draw up your pricing policy.
