
How to open printing

How to open printing

Video: Windows 10 : How to open print management 2024, July

Video: Windows 10 : How to open print management 2024, July

Students and schoolchildren, private enterprises and government agencies - everyone needs online printing services. And fans of photographing are also not against enjoying the sight of their pictures not in electronic but in paper form. And advertising agencies without printing materials are better off not opening at all. And so you decided to help all those suffering with high-quality digital printing and were going to organize a salon or even a small printing shop


Instruction manual


Choose a suitable area for opening a salon or a copy center. This may be the business part of the city or the area where several educational institutions are located. Make sure that the room that you have looked after for your future enterprise has a convenient transport interchange nearby. This will attract additional customers from other areas of the city who urgently need, for example, to order a hundred or two business cards.


Due to the fact that this type of business does not require licensing, you get rid of the need to collect additional documents and, accordingly, will not waste time waiting. But if you intend to provide services for the production of stamps in parallel with printing services, then you will have to get a license in the Research Institute of Printing in Moscow.


Choose a room in a convenient area, the size of which will depend on the number of pieces of equipment, staff and services provided. It is advisable that the room be divided into 2 zones. In one place the consumables and additional equipment, in the other - the desk for receiving orders, a workplace for the designer and PC operator and a stand with samples of your products.


Purchase or lease the professional equipment necessary for the services you intend to provide (printers, risograph, post-print processing kit, computers). If you are short of money or plan to open a small printing services point, then start work by purchasing or renting ordinary office equipment and a set of after-print services. For printing business cards or brochures this will be enough.


If you plan to expand your enterprise, try to conclude agreements with direct suppliers of equipment ("Canon", "Xerox", etc.). This will help to save on maintenance and modernization of production.


Hire staff. Be sure to conduct an interview and, if possible, test applicants for positions, because today, almost every student imagines himself an expert in the field of design and printing. Even if you have to pay more than you originally planned, the quality of services of a highly qualified employee will attract new customers to you, and the difference between the expected and the actual salary will quickly pay off.
