
How to open an LLC in Moscow

How to open an LLC in Moscow

Video: LLC Establishing Russia 2024, July

Video: LLC Establishing Russia 2024, July

Limited liability company is the most common form of organization of enterprises. The registration process is regulated by the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies". Therefore, the opening of the LLC in Moscow, in general, occurs as well as in other cities of the Russian Federation.


Instruction manual


If you have enough time, have a lawyer or accountant who can advise you at all stages of company registration, then you can start the process yourself. Keep in mind that you will not only have to prepare all the necessary documents (which are many), but also visit a number of government agencies: the Pension Fund, the Employment Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, the Tax Inspectorate and others. It is first necessary to draw up all constituent documents and obtain the legal address of the company. Then follows the registration of statutory documents with the Tax Inspectorate, registration and receipt of TIN. After that, it remains to make a seal and open a bank account of the organization.


If necessary or if desired, the process can be accelerated by acquiring an already established company. It usually takes an hour or two to complete paperwork, and you are a happy owner of a limited liability company. The purchased company will have an official registered address, full registration and will be registered with the tax authorities. Today, there are many companies offering ready-made LLCs for purchase. Before signing the paper and paying for the purchase, be sure to have the entire list of documents: a certificate of state registration of the company and registration with the tax authorities, an extract from the Unified State Register, a decision on the formation of the company, an information letter confirming the assignment of codes from Goskomstat, notifications to the policyholder from extra-budgetary funds, acts of acceptance, and valuation of property, articles of association, press, documents to a specific legal address.


Registering an LLC through a turnkey law firm intermediary saves time and reduces the risk of making mistakes in documents. However, the question of choosing an agent should be approached very carefully and carefully. With the company you sign a contract for the provision of services for the registration of the company and make an advance payment. The whole process takes, on average, 7-10 business days. In this option of opening an LLC, there is an opportunity to save money. You can entrust the intermediary only with the preparation of a package of documents, and with all other procedures and payment - do it yourself.

website of the Federal Tax Service
