
How to open an ophthalmology room

How to open an ophthalmology room

Video: The Ophthalmic Exam: Retina and Posterior Segment 2024, July

Video: The Ophthalmic Exam: Retina and Posterior Segment 2024, July

The services of an ophthalmologist are required for everyone with vision problems. The correct selection of glasses and contact lenses, the diagnosis of eye diseases and the preparation of a treatment program, preventive examinations - all these services can be provided not only by a doctor in a district clinic, but also by a specialist working in a private office. An ophthalmic salon can be a good business start, provided that the case is organized correctly from the very beginning.


You will need

  • - the status of an individual entrepreneur or registered legal entity;

  • - license for medical and pharmaceutical activities;

  • - premises;

  • - medical equipment;

  • - shop equipment.

Instruction manual


Write a business plan. An ophthalmological office will cost a lot, so you should insure yourself as much as possible against possible losses. Think about how you will earn - what services your office can provide, whether it will combine medical business and trade, how many customers will be needed for uninterrupted operation and what price you intend to charge for the services. Study the work of competitors, consider their mistakes and take into account successful finds.


Obtain a license to provide medical services. If you are planning on selling drugs, you will also need a pharmaceutical license.


Find a suitable room. The office can be located in a residential building, in a shopping or business center. Separate exit is optional. The more difficult it is to get to your office, the less random visitors will go into it - this circumstance can be both a minus and a plus. For the office there is enough area of ​​40 square meters. m. The room must be divided into two parts - one will accommodate the ophthalmologist's office and all the equipment, and the other can organize a trading room.


Buy the necessary equipment. If you intend to focus on the provision of medical services, you should not save on it. High-quality equipment can be a powerful argument in favor of contacting customers in your office. Suitable equipment can be obtained from local distributors of well-known medical companies. Sometimes a purchase involves free training for specialists and discounts on supplies.


Hire staff. You will need one ophthalmologist and one salesperson of the sales area per shift. The number of shifts depends on your schedule. It is advisable that your salon work seven days a week and no lunch. It is more convenient for many clients to go to the doctor in the evening - keep this in mind when drawing up the office’s work schedule.


Think over the assortment of the trading floor. You can sell eyeglass frames (including expensive models of famous brands), contact lenses, and care accessories. Good profit in the season will provide a good assortment of sunglasses. Offer products in a wide price range - this will expand the circle of customers.
