
How to open a small 3D cinema

How to open a small 3D cinema

Video: Universe - LEGO City - Mini Movie (3D) 2024, July

Video: Universe - LEGO City - Mini Movie (3D) 2024, July

The format of 3D films and 3D photographs is becoming more common. All the well-known producers in the field of the film industry are striving for the 3D market that is being formed now. However, the number of cinemas that allow you to view video products of this kind is relatively small, so some enterprising people are trying to increase their number in small cities in order to extract considerable profit.


Instruction manual


Find out what technologies will be used to open a 3D movie theater. Two are mainly used - passive polarization technology and active with shutter glasses. The quality of these technologies is equally acceptable, and the difference is only in the number of places that are more profitable for a particular technology. For rooms with a large number of visitors, they usually use light polarization technology, for small ones - active with shutter glasses.


Find a room that meets a number of requirements to open a small 3D cinema. The first is sound isolation. The width of the screen depends on the height of the room, which should be at least 4 meters. The length of the room is also important, it is not recommended to place the audience too far, the quality of the 3D effect will suffer. Also take care of the video equipment. It includes 3D glasses, a 3D projector, a screen and a video server. The main distinguishing feature of small 3D cinema equipment from professional equipment is protection against pirated copying, which leads to an increase in the cost of the entire set.


In addition to video equipment, do not forget to purchase audio equipment, which plays an important role. The sound for a small 3D cinema depends on the number of viewers that the cinema will focus on. The usual home theater system is suitable for rooms with a capacity of 8 to 10 people. For rooms up to 50 people, get professional equipment, as sound quality is one of the most important issues. The cost of such a sound is about 150 thousand rubles. Also take care of the video content that you plan to display. To watch 3D movies released on discs, purchase a license from a film distributor.

small 3d movie theater
