
How to open a spare parts store for foreign cars

How to open a spare parts store for foreign cars

Video: How to Start a Spare Parts Business | Including Free Spare Parts Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Spare Parts Business | Including Free Spare Parts Business Plan Template 2024, July

Some believe that opening your own store of spare parts for foreign cars is quite difficult and expensive, for this huge funds are needed. But this is not so. Of course, certain resources will be needed, but everything is much simpler than you think.


You will need

  • - rented premises;

  • - supplier of spare parts;

  • - personal bank account;

  • - notarized documents;

  • - cash machine.

Instruction manual


Find a supplier. It is also required for your own confidence that you can organize competitive deliveries at the right prices and in the shortest possible time. At this stage, you should monitor the market to find the most reliable supplier of auto parts, to find out its offers and requirements. Pay attention to such essential characteristics as prices, assortment, delivery time and ease of use.


Choose one of the forms of organization of the enterprise. It is worth noting that currently the most popular forms for a small company are LLC and PBUL. It is unlikely that you plan to expand in the coming months, so save money.


Open a personal bank account for a legal entity. When registering a company, it is necessary to certify various papers to a notary, which will require approximately 500 rubles. Next, order a seal for the company (this will cost you another 500 rubles) and buy a cash register (from 12 thousand rubles), be sure to register it in a tax office.


Choose the appropriate location for the store. It is clear that it’s best to deploy it, for example, in a shopping complex that in some way has a connection with a car, or near a gas station, etc. Come up with an interesting sign and you can start opening your company!

Useful advice

At first you can order parts at a warehouse, they will become consumables for which there will be constant demand. You can also install them in a store window. It is not necessary to rent a separate warehouse. Even with a large number of ordered parts, you can organize it in a room adjacent to the store. This will allow you to receive the goods in a very short time, so that you do not have to wait long for the execution of orders.If you still want to purchase a small warehouse, then be sure to find out which cars are in special demand.

Spare parts for foreign cars. How to open your own business.
