
How to open a curtain shop

How to open a curtain shop

Video: How a Curtain Shop Owner Opens and Closes His Business (The Jon Friedman Internet Program #5) 2024, July

Video: How a Curtain Shop Owner Opens and Closes His Business (The Jon Friedman Internet Program #5) 2024, July

Shop-salon of curtains can be opened both by the owner of the sewing workshop and by an entrepreneur who does not have his own production site. In the second case, any workshop with which you conclude an agreement will fulfill the original design decisions, and you just have to put up ready-made samples for display, leaving the house from time to time to the customer.


You will need

  • -room for shop-salon (from 25 square meters);

  • -room for a sewing workshop (from 50 square meters);

  • -Two-three sewing machines and an overlock;

  • -five seamstresses for work in the workshop;

  • -one-two curtain designers;

  • -one-two eaves collectors with personal cars.

Instruction manual


Find a suitable room for the shop-salon of curtains, while trying to get away from the usual decisions, adding to your business an element of artistry and unpredictability. Salon, for example, can be equipped as a multi-room apartment, each room of which is decorated in a special style, using curtains, of course. For the realization of such an idea, the premises of a former communal apartment with successive rooms of the same size are well suited.


Decide whether you will establish your own production of curtains, or entrust the execution of orders for your models to a third-party manufacturer. If you still decide to organize a workshop, rent a room with an area of ​​50-100 square meters and choose the right equipment. It will take several universal sewing machines and overlocks. Five seamstresses will be enough to service one store-salon of curtains, you can resort to the help of adjusters or electricians if necessary, having the contacts of several proven specialists.


Organize work with clients of your salon shop, choosing one or several designers for work. They will advise visitors to the store, go home to customers and take the necessary measurements to make an order. Other employees should mount the curtain rods and hang up the finished curtains - for this purpose, you can hire people with personal vehicles on a piece-rate basis. The services of an accountant, if you are afraid to conduct bookkeeping independently, can be ordered at a specialized company, instead of hiring full-time security guards, it is better to organize a console guard by concluding an agreement with one of the private security companies.

Useful advice

To save on renting a production workshop, sewing curtains can be arranged at home at the workers, installing equipment at each of them and taking the curtains immediately before order installation.
