
How to open a chocolate shop

How to open a chocolate shop

Video: Running a chocolate shop - Bosses 2024, July

Video: Running a chocolate shop - Bosses 2024, July

Chocolate was consumed for a long time in liquid form and only in the middle of the 19th century it was first produced in the form of a tile, which immediately gained popularity among representatives of all walks of life. And if earlier chocolate was worth its weight in gold, now anyone can buy it. With this treat you can start your own “sweet” business by opening a chocolate shop.


You will need

  • - necessary documents for opening;

  • - initial capital;

  • - premises;

  • - equipment;

  • - staff

Instruction manual


Make a business plan and try to collect as much information as possible about chocolate. This will allow you not to be mistaken in the future with the choice of a quality product and to beautifully design the interior of the future store.


Examine the details of the various suppliers in detail and start negotiations. Some major chocolate manufacturers offer very favorable conditions. For example, they agree to help you implement the idea, but it is their products that should prevail in your store. This option is ideal for those who do not have enough money to open a business.


Choose the most suitable place and room. Issue all documents for the rental of the building or its purchase. Take care of cosmetic repairs and check the premises for compliance with all standards. Be sure to visit the SES and the fire service and get permission to open this activity. After receiving all the sanitary and epidemiological documents, install the necessary equipment and realize all your design ideas.


Hire an employee and train him in proper work. All employees should be well versed in the varieties of chocolate to help the buyer with the choice. Make sure that every employee undergoes a medical examination, and he has in his hands a medical book with permission to work in this industry.


Take care of advertising your store. Print special business cards with your address and company logo and soak them with a special solution with chocolate aroma. By distributing such business cards, you will attract more and more new customers. Occasionally arrange tastings in the store, and for large purchases, make bonuses, give gifts and discounts.


In no case do not sell expired goods, otherwise you will quickly spoil your reputation without having time to turn around well. Be sure to monitor the conditions in which your goods are stored, and do not allow sudden changes in temperature.
