
How to open a door store

How to open a door store

Video: Thru The Lock Commercial Store Front Door 2024, July

Video: Thru The Lock Commercial Store Front Door 2024, July

To open your small store, you need initial capital, a desire to earn money and a little luck. Recently, stores in which you can make to order or buy a new door or window, are always popular. Especially on the eve of the holidays: as they say, for someone a vacation, but for someone a repair.


Instruction manual


Explore the market for building materials and home decoration. Find out exactly which doors are installed most often.


Register an IP or LLC. Please note that if you decide to register a legal entity, you will have to discuss all the details with the co-founders in advance. For example, who will be responsible for the supply of goods, who is for production, who is for sales, who is for revenue, etc. If you are going to cooperate with relatives, then all these points should be discussed in more detail. Think about whether you should start a business yourself or become a dealer of an already well-known company.


Create a name for the store. It should not be beaten ("World of Doors " or simply "Doors"). It should be such that later it can be easily beaten in advertising. The door market is saturated. You will need to attract attention by any means.


Find a suitable room, which should consist of several compartments (office, warehouse, showroom, door production workshop). Get positive conclusions about the condition of the premises from the sanitary service and the Ministry of Emergencies. To avoid unnecessary walking around the court, you can rent a room from a specialized shopping center (for example, a construction center), but you still have to arrange a door manufacturing workshop. If only because the room for him in the shopping center is difficult to equip.


Purchase the equipment necessary for the production of doors. Of course, elite doors will probably be sold in your store. But for this you need to first agree with an authorized dealer or manufacturer on their delivery.


Conclude agreements with suppliers of wood or, if you intend to manufacture doors according to existing procurement, with woodworking enterprises. If you intend to trade as an official dealer, then you will only have to place orders in the future with existing catalogs.


Conclude agreements with suppliers of hardware and supplies. Purchase all trading and industrial equipment, tool kits. Do not save on all purchases. If you make and sell high-quality doors, then buyers and customers will soon reach you in a row.


Hire qualified personnel: sellers, assemblers and workers in the workshop (if you intend to open production). Be sure to ask them to demonstrate practical skills at the interview.


Set up sales. Contact the construction companies and offer your services for the supply of inexpensive doors (which is usually important). Advertise on the Internet and other media.
